Error after update to 2.1: Rollershutteridem vs. Switchitem

today I felt courageous and I did the upgrade from OpenHab 2.0 to OpenHab 2.1.

First nothing worked, because OH now ignored item-files with errors OH 2.0 did like. Well… fixed it. No problem.

But one new error is for example:

2017-07-06 20:18:49.509 [ERROR] [ssories.AbstractHomekitAccessoryImpl] - Type Raffstore_109_43_Essen_Oben_Lamellen is a org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.items.RollershutterItem instead of the expected org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.items.SwitchItem

The item seems to work properly…
The item is:

Rollershutter   Raffstore_109_43_Essen_Oben_Lamellen    "Lamellen Essen Oben"             [ "Switchable" ] { knx="3/1/78,3/1/79,3/1/101" }

What does the error come from? Why?! And … why does it work?

But anyway … I need to solve the problem - i dont like error-messages in my log-file :slight_smile:


I don’t think that the Homekit binding supports Rolleshutters (yet)

there is a development version that will bring support: Link


Hey Angelos,

I dont use Homekit - I use KNX… :frowning:

And it does work. Just the errors are in my log-file.


but… the log says:

and your item is tagged: [ “Switchable” ]

The error seems to be coming from the tag (Switchable is expecting Switch Item type instead of the defined Rollershutter )
I think… :slight_smile:

Hey Angelos,

I guess you are right. But I had to do this, because of my Amazon Echos, which expect those Homekit-Tags, to get the items to use to know. :frowning: Guess i have to live with that error… maybe i should create a bulk of “empty” items for Alexa and react via script on changes… that would solve it and i have got all the alexa-items in ONE single file.


Thank anyway :slight_smile:

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Hi enclosed you will find my roller shutter config with knx. it works with both systems (knx, homekit).


Group Shutters
Group GF_Living “Wohnzimmer” (EG)
Group GF_Kitchen “Küche” (EG)
Group GF_Food “Esszimmer” (EG)

/* active groups */
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) Lights “All Lights [(%d)]”

/* Lights */
Switch Light_GF_Kueche_Licht “Hauptlicht” (GF_Kitchen, Lights) {knx=“0/0/1”}
Switch Light_GF_Kueche_Dunst “Küche Eingang” (GF_Kitchen, Lights) {knx=“0/0/4”}
Switch Light_GF_Esszimmer “Tisch” (GF_Food, Lights) {knx=“0/0/2”}
Switch Light_GF_WZ_Licht_Links “Fenster Links” (GF_Living, Lights) {knx=“0/0/5”}
Switch Light_GF_WZ_Licht_Rechts “Fenster Rechts” (GF_Living, Lights) {knx=“0/0/7”}
Switch Light_GF_WZ_Licht_Schrank “Schrank” (GF_Living, Lights) {knx=“0/0/6”}
Switch Light_GF_Kueche_Glasspiegel “Glasspiegel” (GF_Kitchen, Lights) {knx=“0/0/3”}
Switch Light_GF_Kueche_Ufo “Ufo” (GF_Kitchen,Lights) {knx=“0/0/9”}

/* Rollershutters */
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Kitchen “Küche” (GF_Kitchen, Shutters) {knx=“0/1/12,0/1/13” }
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living_Links “Links” (GF_Living, Shutters) {knx=“0/1/0,0/1/1” }
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living_Mitte “Mitte” (GF_Living, Shutters) {knx=“0/1/4,0/1/5” }
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living_Rechts “Rechts” (GF_Living, Shutters) {knx=“0/1/8,0/1/9” }

/* Lights */
Switch Light_GF_Kueche_Licht_HK “Hauptlicht” [ “Lighting” ] { knx = “0/0/1” }
Switch Light_GF_Kueche_Dunst_HK “Küche Eingang” [ “Lighting” ] { knx = “0/0/4” }
Switch Light_GF_Esszimmer_HK “Esszimmertisch” [ “Lighting” ] { knx = “0/0/2” }
Switch Light_GF_WZ_Licht_Links_HK “Fenster Links” [ “Lighting” ] { knx = “0/0/5” }
Switch Light_GF_WZ_Licht_Rechts_HK “Fenster Rechts” [ “Lighting” ] { knx = “0/0/7” }
Switch Light_GF_WZ_Licht_Schrank_HK “Schrank” [ “Lighting” ] { knx = “0/0/6” }
Switch Light_GF_Kueche_Glasspiegel_HJ “Glasspiegel” [ “Lighting” ] { knx = “0/0/3” }
Switch Light_GF_Kueche_Ufo_HK “Licht Ufo” [ “Lighting” ] {knx=“0/0/9”}

Hope it will help you.

kind regard
