Error in exporting custom-made binding


I created a binding and it is running fine when I launch it from eclipse. I need to use it with openhab-offline-2.0.0.b4. For this purpose, when I try to export it (Export->Plug-in Development->Deployable plug-ins and fragments) I get the following error:-

A cycle was detected when generating the classpath org.openhab.binding.custom-made-binding_2.0.0.201609291205, org.eclipse.smarthome.config.core_0.9.0.201609291205, org.eclipse.smarthome.core_0.9.0.201609291205, org.slf4j.api_1.7.2.v20121108-1250, ch.qos.logback.core_1.0.7.v20121108-1250, javax.mail_1.4.0.v201005080615, javax.activation_1.1.0.v201211130549, javax.mail_1.4.0.v201005080615.

When I simply copied the folder to the addons folder in the server, the binding was shown in the UI, but when a Thing was created, I stays in the uninitialized state.

I’m new to plugin/bundle development. What should be done?


Update:- Fixed the issue
Did ‘mvn package’ in the binding’s root folder and build was successful. Jar file location is ‘target’ folder inside binding’s root folder.