Error with Image-Installation

Hello community,
I tried to create a new Raspi 4 with the current OpenHAB stable image of
An error occurs:
-Installing Java Zulu 32-bit Open JDK …
-gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
-tar: child returned status 1
-tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
-Initial setup exiting with an error!
-script ‘/boot/first-boot.bash’ failed
-Failed to start /etc/rc.local Compatibility
I downloaded the image several times from to fix a bug here. But without success.
Could there possibly be an error in the image?

Very thank for your help!

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It’s a know issue, which is also posted here:

But so far, no easy way to solve.

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Yes. I read the topic and understood that the problem was fixed.
Apparently not and that’s why I posted my problem here in a new topic.

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It seems to be a bigger problem and affects all new installations:

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Still the same issue. New flashed SD Card not finishing first setup. What can be done to overcome this Zulu issue?

OK, solved by Initial setup failed on RasPi3B+ due to a Java - Zulu path error