Errors with openhab3 fresh checkout with eclipse

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: Macbook Pro 16 GB
    • OS: Mac Os Big Sur
    • Java Runtime Environment: Java 11_0_11
    • openHAB version: 3
  • Issue of the topic: errors after clean install via oomph / developers guide
  • Please post configurations (if applicable):

Dear experts,

I am still trying to convert the volumio2 binding written in OH2 to OH3, yet getting a clean workspace already costs me a lot of effort. I followed the Developers Guide (thanks a lot!) and was able to checkout OH Core, Add-ons and demo app via oomph installer in eclipse.

After the checkout and build process has completed, I still remain with 59 errors in throughout the build, generated in org.openhab.core.model :

ā€œProject ā€˜org.openhab.core.model.itemā€™ is missing required source folderā€ and more errors like this or derived from this. It also suggests to clean and build once again. Yet, this does not resolve the issue for me.

Iā€™ve already tried several approaches within eclipse: fresh checkout / update maven project / build order fiddlingā€¦

Many thanks for sharing your knowhow!


Note: The current code also does not build on my Windows setup.
Only when I skip the tests (it used to work in the past), not sure were to configure this in Eclipse.

As for your problem:
It might be the code-generation for model is not performed.
Running ModelGen.launch (again) could help here.

Some strong opinion on openHAB developer-friendlyness followsā€¦

In general we should look at getting a better developer experience.

You should be able to checkout the project, fire up the IDE press play and be able to run a representative openHAB build including an option to add all the needed add-ons and set breakpoints and debug everywhere, preferably with edit & continue a.k.a. hot swap (it is 2021ā€¦)

The whole ā€˜enterpriseā€™ setup with Maven & OSGI bundles makes things more complicated, but might actually help to support hot deployments, because that is what it was made for. Unfortunately it takes ages before a new bundle is build and packaged.

I like to use IntelliJ and I was not able to get the demo project running. I tried the official OSGI plugin, an Apache Felix plugin, Amdatu and a bdntools plugin, all giving differerent errors or just nothing running at all.

Furthermore I donā€™t think the demo project is the right approach and karaf should be used, just like when running openHAB in ā€˜productionā€™. Watching bundles with bundle:watch * on the local maven repository seems to work really well, only the turn-around time after a change is really long IMHO, so I think it needs some tweaks to skip most/all steps of the test/check process.

I think most developers want to run a full openHAB development environment and also be able to edit & debug core, if only to better understand how openHAB works.

At the moment I am working on a IntelliJ development setup and intent to share my journey if am succesfulā€¦

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If you develop a binding you donā€™t need to import core or any other binding. You can still debug on core as itā€™s available via the dependencies. If you do want to modify code in core you can import the specific core project you want to modify only.

There is a guideline on how to develop with intellij.dis you see that: IntelliJ | openHAB

Hi Rogier and Hilbrand,

Thanks for reaching out! Iā€™ll give it a try with intelliJ.
@rogierhofboer, great to read about your experience in detail!

I understand core is not necessary to checkout, but I did so mainly to learn about the architecture.
Iā€™ll keep persisting, and hope to share some code once :slight_smile:

BTW The reason the full Windows build of core fails is this issue:
Core tests: one test failing (ByteArrayFileCacheTest) Ā· Issue #1846

@hilbrand I did see the guidelines, but except for Eclipse, they assume you only want to develop a binding. The Eclipse setup as described does not seem to work well, Iā€™ve tried it on Linux and Windows and end up with a lot of errors.

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Getting it to even compile with the mvn command line is very frustrating:

openhab-webui on Windows:
[INFO] ā€” frontend-maven-plugin:1.9.0:npm (gulp build) @ org.openhab.ui.basic ā€”
[INFO] Running ā€˜npm run buildā€™ in C:\openhab-main\openhab-webui\bundles\org.openhab.ui.basic
[INFO] > org.openhab.ui.basic@3.0.0 build C:\openhab-main\openhab-webui\bundles\org.openhab.ui.basic
[INFO] > gulp default
[INFO] fs.js:35
[INFO] } = primordials;
[INFO] ^
[INFO] ReferenceError: primordials is not defined
[INFO] at fs.js:35:5
[INFO] at req_ (C:\openhab-main\openhab-webui\bundles\org.openhab.ui.basic\node_modules\natives\index.js:143:24)
[INFO] at Object.req [as require] (C:\openhab-main\openhab-webui\bundles\org.openhab.ui.basic\node_modules\natives\index.js:55:10)
[INFO] at Object. (C:\openhab-main\openhab-webui\bundles\org.openhab.ui.basic\node_modules\vinyl-fs\node_modules\graceful-fs\fs.js:1:37)
[INFO] at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1158:30)
[INFO] at Object.Module._extensionsā€¦js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1178:10)
[INFO] at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1002:32)
[INFO] at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:901:14)
[INFO] at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1044:19)
[INFO] at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:77:18)

And on Linux:

[INFO] > openhab@3.0.0 build-prod /home/rogierhofboer/Projects/openhab-main/git/openhab-webui/bundles/org.openhab.ui/web
[INFO] > cross-env NODE_ENV=production node ./build/build.js
[INFO] sh: 1: cross-env: not found
[INFO] npm ERR! syscall spawn
[INFO] npm ERR! file sh
[INFO] npm ERR! errno ENOENT
[INFO] npm ERR! openhab@3.0.0 build-prod: cross-env NODE_ENV=production node ./build/build.js
[INFO] npm ERR! spawn ENOENT
[INFO] npm ERR!
[INFO] npm ERR! Failed at the openhab@3.0.0 build-prod script.
[INFO] npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

Strange thing is, I got some working builds from within IntelliJ a while ago (using Maven as main builder, not the IntelliJ builder, that does not work)

On Linux I think I know what causes the problemā€¦ I was using Maven 3.8.1 and this seems to break things I donā€™t know (yet) how to fix. Unfortunately mvnd is based on 3.8.1, so canā€™t be used to speed the build up.
Anyway going back to Maven 3.6.3 solved the Linux issue and mvn clean install just finished.

Then trying a new mvdn (Maven 3.8.1) build with : mvdn clean install, but the npm packages still installed via Maven 3.6.3 I get the primordials error on Linux as well.
Maybe that one is easy to fix, because I am not the only one if I have to trust on a quick search.

To be continued.


  • Use Linux, Windows seems not well supported
  • Use Maven 3.6.3, not 3.8.1


OK. this is really hard to sort outā€¦ And maybe I should have started a separate threadā€¦

As far as I know now, the two errors above are not related to the OS or Maven version at allā€¦ :blush:

the primordials error happens the second time you do a mvn clean install on the openhab-webui repo. So thatā€™s the reason the ci server has no problems.

The issue seems the same as Modified files after build cause subsequent build to fail Ā· Issue #241 Ā· openhab/openhab-webui ( .

The only solid solution Iā€™ve found is upgrading gulp to 4.x and adapt the gulpfile.js for basic ui.
I will make a pull request for that change.

The cross-dev error is more strange. Iā€™ve now seen it twice once in Ubuntu 20.04 in WSL2 and in a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 on VirtualBox.

To get rid of the error I also installed nodejs and npm on the machine itself with:
sudo apt install nodejs npm

Then did a npm install --global cross-dev and then the other packages it complains about after that one-for-one, the next one was webpackā€¦ Now the strange thing is it finally compiles, but when I then remove the installed nodejs and npm and as far as I know remove all traces of it, it still works and keeps workingā€¦

For some reason before installation and removal of the local nodejs and npm, the devDependencies are not installed when NODE_ENV=production is set.

This issue gives some hints:
/bin/sh: cross-env: command not found Ā· Issue #187 Ā· kentcdodds/cross-env (

To be continuedā€¦