ESP8266/ESP32 libraries released! LeifESPBase, LeifESPBaseHomie, LeifHomieLib

@rak, @Fa_Bien, @epicurean, @JGKK

And, now that the underlying libraries are public, here is the full BedroomMCU project source code!

This is the source code for my air conditioning controller which I showed off here.

Please note that this is a Sloeber project. It will not build in the Arduino IDE.
It fact, I wouldn’t bother trying to build it – it’s not going to be useful beacuse it’s a completely custom project, designed for exactly the combination of hardware and appliances I have here. It can however be useful as a reference, to look at for ideas, and it is in that spirit alone that I am releasing it here. I’m not putting it on github because it needs no further development – it is finished and in service.

I may modify it to use the TFT_eSPI library later but that won’t affect actual functionality.

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