Example createTimer using Setpoint - for beginners

Hi all,

I thought it important to post this working example for the noobs (like me). I have seen many queries on this topic with scattered info, and only few confirmed working examples. I can confirm this works on OH2.0.0b3.

Basically, this test rule switches a Switch item OFF just seconds later (according to the Setpoint value).

// Items:
    Number testSetpoint "Test Duration [%d s]"
    Switch testSwitch "Test Switch" {mqtt=">[mosquitto:/ESP12e3/gpio/12:command:ON:1],>[mosquitto:/ESP12e3/gpio/12:command:OFF:0]"}

// Sitemap:
    sitemap mySite1 label="Test Switch"
    	Setpoint item=testSetpoint minValue=1 maxValue=20 step=1
    	Switch item=testSwitch

// Rules:
    rule "Test Timer"
    	Item testSwitch received update
    	if (testSwitch.state == ON)
    		var int testDuration = (testSetpoint.state as DecimalType).intValue
    		var DateTime endTest = now.plusSeconds(testDuration)
    		createTimer(endTest) [| 
    			sendCommand(testSwitch, OFF)
    			postUpdate(testSwitch, OFF)

Similar example for a pool pump auto timer. The Pump Auto Timer Activation switch (poolPumpTimer) is the master switch for the timer. Switch poolPumpSwitch is used to manually switch the pool pump on/off, example; when cleaning the filters - especially nice when the pool or filters are a distance from the circuit breakers, making it easy to control from your mobile…

// Items:
Switch poolPumpTimer "Pump Auto Timer Activation"
Switch poolPumpSwitch "Pool Pump ON/OFF Switch" {mqtt=">[mosquitto:/ESP12e2/gpio/12:command:ON:1],>[mosquitto:/ESP12e2/gpio/12:command:OFF:0]"}
Number poolStartHour "Pool Pump Start Time [%d:00]"
Number poolPumpDuration "Pool Pump On Duration [%d Hr]"

// Sitemap:
sitemap home1 label="Home"
	Frame label="Swimming Pool Pump"
		Switch item=poolPumpTimer
		Setpoint item=poolStartHour minValue=1 maxValue=23 step=1 
		Setpoint item=poolPumpDuration minValue=1 maxValue=12 step=1 
		Switch item=poolPumpSwitch

// Rules:
rule "Swimming Pool Pump Timer"
	Item poolPumpTimer received update or
	Time cron "0 5 0 * * ?"
	var int startHrInt = (poolStartHour.state as DecimalType).intValue
	var int durationHrInt = (poolPumpDuration.state as DecimalType).intValue
	var DateTime startTmr = parse(now.getYear() + "-" + now.getMonthOfYear() + "-" + now.getDayOfMonth() + "T" + startHrInt + ":00")
	var DateTime stopTmr = parse(now.getYear() + "-" + now.getMonthOfYear() + "-" + now.getDayOfMonth() + "T" + startHrInt + ":00").plusHours(durationHrInt)
	var Timer poolOnTimer
	var Timer poolOffTimer
	if(poolPumpTimer.state == ON)
		poolOnTimer = createTimer(startTmr) [| 
			sendCommand(poolPumpSwitch, ON)
			postUpdate(poolPumpSwitch, ON)
			Thread::sleep(10000)  //wait 10 seconds, then resend for MQTT over WiFi
			sendCommand(poolPumpSwitch, ON)
		poolOffTimer = createTimer(stopTmr) [| 
			sendCommand(poolPumpSwitch, OFF)
			postUpdate(poolPumpSwitch, OFF)
			Thread::sleep(10000)  //wait 10 seconds, then resend for MQTT over WiFi
			sendCommand(poolPumpSwitch, OFF)
	if(poolPumpTimer.state == OFF)
		sendCommand(poolPumpSwitch, OFF)
		postUpdate(poolPumpSwitch, OFF)
		Thread::sleep(10000)  //wait 10 seconds, then resend for MQTT over WiFi
		sendCommand(poolPumpSwitch, OFF)
		if(poolOnTimer != null)
			poolOnTimer = null
		if(poolOffTimer != null)
			poolOffTimer = null

Thanks for this I found it really helpful!