Exceptions in JSR223 rules (jython) are no longer shown in log (openhab2-daily)

Since some recent update of Openhab2-daily, exceptions in jython-rule execution are no longer shown, making it very hard to debug them.

I use openhab2-jython to execute my rules, but I don’t think this causes the problem (the trigger-decorators to to add the rules do not catch any exception).

My log-setting:
(RULES is the hierarchy I use to get the logger inside my rules - this works fine).

openhab> log:list                                                                                                            11:10:10
Logger                               │ Level
ROOT                                 │ INFO
RULES                                │ DEBUG
javax.jmdns                          │ ERROR
org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.audit  │ INFO
org.apache.karaf.shell.support       │ OFF
org.eclipse.smarthome                │ INFO
org.jupnp                            │ ERROR
org.openhab                          │ INFO
smarthome.event                      │ DEBUG
smarthome.event.InboxUpdatedEvent    │ ERROR
smarthome.event.ItemAddedEvent       │ ERROR
smarthome.event.ItemRemovedEvent     │ ERROR
smarthome.event.ItemStateEvent       │ ERROR
smarthome.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent  │ WARN
smarthome.event.ThingAddedEvent      │ ERROR
smarthome.event.ThingRemovedEvent    │ ERROR
smarthome.event.ThingStatusInfoEvent │ ERROR

Example rule:

def calcUptime(event):
    dlog = logging.getLogger("RULES.Homie.Monitor.calcUptime") 
    dlog.debug("Event: " + unicode(event) + " (Type: " + unicode(event.__class__))
    item = event.getItemName()
    #up_seconds = event["state"].intValue()  --> Old code that triggered an exception - the exception was not shown.
    up_seconds = event.getItemState().intValue()
    dlog.debug("Item: " + unicode(item) + " (Type: " + unicode(item.__class__) + "); new State: " + unicode(up_seconds) + " (Type: " + unicode(up_seconds.__class__))
    days = up_seconds / 86400
    up_seconds %= 86400
    hours = up_seconds / 3600
    up_seconds %= 3600
    minutes = up_seconds / 60
    # up_seconds %= 60
    up_string = "{} {} {:02d}:{:02d}".format(unicode(days) if (days > 0) else "", "Tage, " if (days > 0) else "", hours, minutes)
    dlog.debug("Uptime: " + up_string)
    events.postUpdate(item + "_str", up_string)        

I have the feeling this is happening on my installation as well. Can’t tell since which version though.

I found out that they are send to syslog, so I can find them in /var/log/syslog.

Is there really no other way than to have a look at syslog?

I’ve created an issue on the smarthome project: https://github.com/eclipse/smarthome/issues/4825

A possible workaround for the current version: set the log level of org.eclipse.smarthome.automation.core to DEBUG

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