Excluding items from location average

I am currently migrating to OH3 and after some initial confusion my love for its concepts is growing with every item I add. I especially love the automatic representation of the semantic model, where I found a problem I could not solve.

On the locations tab, we get a temperature reading (and humidity and …?) on each room widget if the room contains an item that is tagged with the semantic property “temperature”. The problem is that I have tagged every temperature item accordingly and that not all are “logically compatible”. For example, one item is the temperature of my 3d printer, so the room shows 130°C (average of hotend and bed temperature). Another room shows 30°C which is the average of the actual temperature sensor and the CPU temperature of the Raspberry Pi in that room.

Is there a tag or metadata to exclude non-room temperatures or is my concept of semantically tagging every temperature measurement wrong?


If logged in as an admin user you can click the little edit icon in the upper right (looks like a pencil). From there you can select the order that the cards are presented, which cards are shown etc.

You can click the black icon to configure the widget and turn on/off whole categories of properties from being shown.

But I can’t see how one can exclude a single temperature sensor from the badge on the card while still showing it in the list under the room card/ equipment card/ properties card. I think your choices will be to either not tag it with temperature or hide that Item from the UI entirely (which you can do from the Properties tab settings I think.

Thanks for the reply. Indeed, I did not notice yet that I can disable these details on the cards. But since I like them, I probably have to remove the semantic tags from any non-room-temperature reading, although this does not feel quite “correct”.

I was about to ask exactly the same question.
Maybe this is a good point for future improvement :wink:


I agree!
And thanks for this thread.
I did not even know, that avaraging is done on temperatures!

Your model might be slightly too correct :wink:

Certainly, you have all your temperature readings tagged as Point_Temperature.

If you have some of them which should not contribute to the locations property temperature, remove the semantic tagging completely or tag them differently e.g. as Point_Measurement. The latter keeps the item shown as point in the location but avoids been considered for the average calculation… :wink: