EXEC Binding - Pilight commands dont work

yes but i got it to work with the rest api script , so there is a ways to get it in openhab.

I strongly disagree! openHAB can be some central intelligence (for e.g. rules or gathering data) - but openHAB never should be the single point of failure as it is not designed for that one. So, please Keep in mind, that all bindings and integrations of external devices should only support you in doing automation tasks. e.g. don’t rely on openHAB for a central heating unit or other potentially damaging tasks. For this, there are many other (even certified!) devices and applicances. Use them for their purpose and try to integrate openHAB to do some (non-lethal) automation on top of that.
just my 2cent

it seems, all your entries are in the database and the Connections and your persistence-configuration is working. So I wonder, why there are no graphs - is there something in the logs?

PS: perhaps you want to change your persistence from “everyminute” to “onchange” - if there’s no change, you only spam your database…?

Yes, I agree with you completely, but you probably misinterpreted my answer. I just wanted to say that the Openhab should be the central function, where everything is merged! The different systems should also run alone on their own! That’s actually a matter of course. A failure of Openhab should never mean that nothing works in the apartment anymore.

In short, it should read that openHAB should not be a collection of Work A Rounds. Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more common to see that cheap China imports are being used to gain automation. In doing so, all CE standards are disregarded and thus the insurance cover is undermined. ← This does not apply to the author of this post :slight_smile:

Since I think I can not help anymore, I will keep out of here :slight_smile:

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If there where bindings for my existing devices i would use them, but i missing a binding for 433mhz sockets, my goal is to avoid as many different apps as possible.


This Binding?

Really 433Mhz Sockets in a Home Automation? Unidirectional Sockets? That’s for Automation a cheap but a very bad way …

By the way, what does SQL / Persintence have to do with the topic?

Would not it make more sense if you two talk in the chat. I think that chatting within posts does not help anyone in the community to find solutions to those same problems!

So then back to topic please :slight_smile:

The Topic is Solved ?