Executing command on command line

I’m getting crazy… I have openhab 2 installed with distro. Everything works well but I can’t run any script.
I think it is a problem of permission. Openhab is installed on raspberry pi and automatically started at boot as service.
If I execute the script from account pi it works, if I do that using the openhab UI the command is received but nothing happens…
The owner and the group of the script file is openhab.
I don’t know what to do anymore… If someone can help me I will be very grateful :slight_smile:
Thank you all

I think you have to have the openhab exec binding installed for executeCommandLine to work. If you installed openhab with apt-get, then you should install the binding with apt-get too:
sudo apt-get install openhab-addon-binding-exec
If you didn’t use apt-get to install openhab, you can probably just copy this addon to your addons directory:
or whatever version of openhab you’re using.

You can see this post for other suggestions on making executeCommandLine work:

@lorenzo81 mentioned that he is using openHAB 2. Bindings are not installed using apt with OH2 anymore. In order to install the Exec binding, simply go into PaperUI and install it from there.
Problems with exec are quite common as a lot has to be remembered. Please follow the link posted by @Ken_Van_Camp and be sure to look at the openhab.log. If you do not make progress, post your Exec line here.

Thank you, finally I found a solution to my problem. Actually it was due to sudoers configuration file. :slight_smile: See this post:

Hi friend what if my command includes quotation marks, for example:

epseak "Hello World"

then what is the syntax when using executeCommandLine in rules file
Please help me