Export HABPanel chart as PNG?

Is it somehow possible to export a HABPanel chart as PNG? I’d like to have the chart sent daily via email and I love the chart widget’s look.

(I know I could start an rrdb, but those charts don’t look that good…)

If you don’t mind changing your browser:


Screenshot via REST and remote admin:

// Get screenshot image (PNG)
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Hmmm. I’m running headless. But perhaps I can setup a separate spare pi and try.

Ahh, okay … unfortunately it’s only available for Android. Sorry

Ah. I just saw it… :wink:
But there must be something for Linux/raspban also I guess

Maybe worth trying is to try one of those utilities and see if you can take a screenshot of the HABPanel page with your chart displayed:

Then use ImageMagick (for example) to crop it and remove the dashboard title etc.

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