Yes… I misunderstood the 5.2.0 update of Grafana. I thought PhantomJS was implented at that time, and previous version didn´t.
Not exactly, Rich.
The Grafana version that comes with openhabian-config is 5.3.4. This version requires PhantomJS to be able to render charts, right?
But you have a point in Grafana will work without PhantomJS, by using Webview insted. And this makes it acceptable for beeing included in openhabian-config. However, it should be noticed, that the use of rendering (PhantomJS) is not recommended, and specially not for a user who is using a computer like the Rpi…
I guess we can agree on this?
However, there is still something strange going on which applies to openhab…
I had no problems with rendering Grafana charts using openhab 2.3 together with Grafana 5.1.4, which we just agreed, used PhantomJS for rendering as well.
My problems started when updating openhab from version 2.3 to version 2.4, without making any changes to Grafana 5.1.4.
This means something had to have been changed in openhab 2.4 to make this problem appear.
Like Markus has written a few times, and I finally agree with. It could be openhab 2.4 just consume more memory/CPU which makes this problem appear, together with PhantomJS beeing a really shitty piece of software.
A few minutes ago openhab crashed again due to rendering. Meaning, the changes Matt suggested in his link didn´t change anything anyway. The difference between last night and now is, that I´m connected via the openhab Androind app. Last night I was connected locally from my workstation using Google Chrome.
Final conclusion:
If using an Rpi and Grafana - Dont use PhantomJS to render Grafana charts in openhab version >2.3.
It will probably work fine with openhab 2.3 and previous versions, but not with openhab 2.4, (and openhab 2.5 as well, as this is what I´m running on my other Rpi 3B+, ie. the test setup).
Using any other kind of hardware configuration may/may not work as well. Over-all it´s probably best to just stay away from using charts rendering (PhantomJS).
I believe this (or something simular) should be an important notice in the docs of openhabian-config in openhab version >2.3.