Fibaro FGR223 Roller Shutter 3 only shows as Unknown Device

Hi everybody,

I’m new to OpenHAB, but managed to install OpenHAB 2.5.4 on an raspberry pi 3 with raspbian. I also got my Z-Wave stick ZMEEUZB1 up and running via the Z-Wave Binding 2.5.4. The stick works great as controller and I also got my Fibaro FGS223 Double Switch 2 working. But the Fibaro FGR Roller Shutter 3 is not recognized. It is only discovered as “Unknown Device” despite there is a device entry for this thing in Chris Jackson’s database:

A label on the thing says it is firmware version 5.1. The device itself is well functioning as I can operate it by physical switches or via io.Broker as alternative platform (needless to say that I want to stick to OpenHAB. :slight_smile:).

I tried the stable, testing, and snapshot release of OpenHAB to get the most recent device database but it didn’t help. Any comment on this would be highly appreciated.

I have the same problem atm.
Just installed a Fibaro Rollershutter 3 FW 5.1 but it is not recognized by openhab. It says “unknown device”.

I have several Fibaro Rollershutter 2, that are working. I am using an Aeotec Gen5 Stick.

list -s | grep zwave
254 | Active | 80 | 2.5.4 | org.openhab.binding.zwave

This is the unknown device:

zwave_beaming true
zwave_class_basic BASIC_TYPE_ROUTING_SLAVE
zwave_frequent false
zwave_listening false
zwave_nodeid 9
zwave_routing true
zwave_secure false
zwave_version 0.0

I still couldn’t figure out how to solve this issue.
I removed the thing several times from the controller and added it again.
I updated and restarted openhab.
Nothing helped.:frowning:
It is still unknown.

Is there anything I am missing? Is there anything else I could try?