Fibaro Multisensor & persistence

Hey all, this really does belong in the beginners forum.
So I’ve got some switches/lights working ok, but they’d work without openhab anyway. So now I’m trying to get into it a bit more and write some rules (turn my kids light off after it’s bedtime and bring them up to 20% if he wakes up in the night etc). Anyway, first things first, persistence. So I have my lights working well as a test, which means rrd4j is working and showing me a graph for those, but I can’t get this Fibaro Multisensor to work.

2015-10-18 21:51:48.767 [WARN ] [.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler] - NODE 7: Generating message failed for command class = SENSOR_MULTILEVEL
2015-10-18 21:57:41.571 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents ] - luke_sensor_temperature state updated to 19
2015-10-18 22:03:13.465 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents ] - luke_sensor_motion state updated to OPEN
2015-10-18 22:03:13.498 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents ] - luke_sensor_motion state updated to OPEN
2015-10-18 22:03:44.016 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents ] - luke_sensor_motion state updated to CLOSED
2015-10-18 22:03:44.048 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents ] - luke_sensor_motion state updated to CLOSED
2015-10-18 22:06:48.803 [WARN ] [.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler] - NODE 7: Generating message failed for command class = SENSOR_MULTILEVEL
2015-10-18 22:07:40.596 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents ] - luke_sensor_temperature state updated to 18.9
2015-10-18 22:12:37.478 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents ] - luke_sensor_motion state updated to OPEN
2015-10-18 22:12:37.513 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents ] - luke_sensor_motion state updated to OPEN
2015-10-18 22:13:16.413 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents ] - luke_sensor_motion state updated to CLOSED
2015-10-18 22:13:16.446 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents ] - luke_sensor_motion state updated to CLOSED
Oct 18 22:17:01 Tower /USR/SBIN/CRON[1146]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
2015-10-18 22:17:39.983 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents ] - luke_sensor_temperature state updated to 18.8
2015-10-18 22:21:48.840 [WARN ] [.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler] - NODE 7: Generating message failed for command class = SENSOR_MULTILEVEL
2015-10-18 22:27:39.107 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents ] - luke_sensor_temperature state updated to 18.8

It seems to be reporting motion and temperature ok, but no graphs yet. Can I just check that I have things setup correctly with you guys/girls. Thanks


Number	luke_sensor_temperature	"Temperature of Lukes room [%.1f °C]"	<temperature>	(GRP_Luke)		{ zwave="7:command=sensor_multilevel,sensor_type=1,refresh_interval=900" }
Contact	luke_sensor_motion	"Luke motion in room [%s]"	<boy0>	(GRP_Luke)		{ zwave="7:command=sensor_binary,respond_to_basic=TRUE" }


Items {
	undefined : strategy = everyUpdate, everyChange, restoreOnStartup
	luke_socketDimmer : strategy = everyChange, restoreOnStartup, everyUpdate
	luke_wallDimmer : strategy = everyChange, everyUpdate, restoreOnStartup
	luke_sensor_temperature : strategy = everyChange, everyUpdate, restoreOnStartup
	luke_sensor_light : strategy = everyChange, everyUpdate, restoreOnStartup
	luke_sensor_motion : strategy = everyChange, restoreOnStartup, everyUpdate

All setup in Habmin1.x on OpenHab1.8.
Any pointers much appreciated.

rrd4j will only be able to generate charts if you use an every minute strategy.

Ahhh, sorry I must have missed that bit in the wiki.

Don’t worry. I bet the majority of users on this site have hit this problem before. :slight_smile: