Fibaro Smart Implant not reporting input state

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: Intel PC
    • OS: Ubuntu
    • Java Runtime Environment: Zulu 8.58
    • openHAB version: 3.1.1

I’m trying to setup a Fibaro Smart Implant (FGBS-222) with OH3 but am unable get a state report (Open/Closed or On/Off) from the two the binary inputs.

The binding has worked and it is reporting the internal temperature correctly, but only every reports NULL from each of the binary inputs (IN1 and IN2).

Does anyone have a working item and sitemap entries they would be prepared to share or any other suggestions please.

I’ve found and used this, which is almost exactly the same as I am trying to setup, but have still been unable to get the Smart Implant to report AlarmBurglar1 or AlarmBurglar2 states.

Has anyone experienced a problem with the Smart Implant where these items only error report NULL, or can offer any suggestions about how to fault find what is not working.


Please confirm that you are using proper channel names. From your example from different thread “alarm_burglar1” is used but in smart implant name of the channel is different.
Also AlarmBurglar1 is not a proper one.

Those valid ones

Also please review your thing conifg parameters,( 20-60)

Thanks, your channels look the same as mine.

The channel names I’m using are zwave:device:81de1a5d26:node22:alarm_burglar1, and alarm_burglar2 for the second input. Sorry I used the end of the Item name before.

The config parameters I’ve changed are 20 and 21, which I’ve set to 0, although I have tried 1 as well. I’ve also set the polling period to 15 because I was trying to read input 1 and 2 voltages, which are reporting correctly, as a work around, but the voltage reporting is too slow to catch the voltage changes when the contact changes from closed to open.

I’m hoping that the alarm inputs will be quicker, because the device I’m monitoring doesn’t latch when triggered, so I may still have a problem.