Fibaro Switch FGS-213 - Unknown device

Hi all,

I am struggling to set up my Fibaro Switch FGS-213.
The switch was added as new device and included according to the manual (

But in openHab 2 the switch is shown as “unknown device”.
The device is in the database (

Also the device code is shown properly:

zwave_class_basic ROUTING_SLAVE
zwave_class_generic BINARY_SWITCH
zwave_frequent false
zwave_version 3.2
zwave_listening true
zwave_plus_devicetype UNKNOWN_TYPE
zwave_deviceid 4096
zwave_nodeid 12
zwave_routing true
zwave_beaming true
zwave_class_specific POWER_SWITCH_BINARY
zwave_manufacturer 271
zwave_devicetype 1027

In Habmin I see 0403:1000 and the correct device manufacturer, so I do not understand why it is not matched.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best Regards

Issues solved by removing and adding the switch again.


I try to add it to my openHAB2. How did you get it working?
I try pressing 3x B-Button but the openHAB 2.3 can not find it.
I have a thermostat, that is already included so I think the FGS 213 has some kind of error, or am I using the B-Button wrong?
