FIBARO Walli Double Wall Mounted Remote Controller: No update of parameters- pending!


I just included a FIBARO Walli Double Wall Mounted Remote Controller in my network.

I see however that the initialization is not complete since the file is not created.

I also would like to change some parameters, like 20: operations mode to use the two buttons as push buttons. Also I note that the wake-up node is set to 0 instead of the controller, 17 in my case.

I do not see any means to change these parameters since the walls would not wake up (Or would according to the device led menu) or not get the new parameters from the controller.

These parameters remain : PENDING

Too bad, so many things to potentially implement.

Can anybody help ? Also I do not see the node of the Wall in the network mesh.

Hopefully, somebody coming to my rescue.


Which version are you running?

Is it the FGWDSEU-221?

Is 17 the nodeid of the walli or your controller?

Have you woken the device a few times so it initialises fully?

openHAB 3.2.0


17 is Nodeid of controller

I tried to wake up several time:

Pushing 3 times, holding until white. Release and click to confirm.

No results

can you put the binding in debug and post the logs when you wake the device

Ok. Give me just a hint how to put in debug mode…

Envoyé de mon iPhone

ZWave - Bindings | openHAB under When things don’t go as planned

If nothing helps:

  • Replace battery.
  • Exclude, factory reset and re-include your device.

Herewith the file

log4j2.xml (5.42 KB)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
	<!-- Console appender not used by default (see Root logger AppenderRefs) -->
	<Console name="STDOUT">
		<PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%-5.5p] [%-36.36c] - %m%n"/>

	<!-- Rolling file appender -->
	<RollingFile fileName="${sys:openhab.logdir}/openhab.log" filePattern="${sys:openhab.logdir}/openhab.log.%i" name="LOGFILE">
		<PatternLayout pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%-5.5p] [%-36.36c] - %m%n"/>
			<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="16 MB"/>

	<!-- Event log appender -->
	<RollingRandomAccessFile fileName="${sys:openhab.logdir}/events.log" filePattern="${sys:openhab.logdir}/events.log.%i" name="EVENT">
		<PatternLayout pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%-5.5p] [%-36.36c] - %m%n"/>
			<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="16 MB"/>

	<!-- Audit file appender -->
	<RollingRandomAccessFile fileName="${sys:openhab.logdir}/audit.log" filePattern="${sys:openhab.logdir}/audit.log.%i" name="AUDIT">
		<PatternLayout pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%-5.5p] [%-36.36c] - %m%n"/>
			<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="8 MB"/>

	<!-- OSGi appender -->
	<PaxOsgi filter="*" name="OSGI"/>

	<!-- Root logger configuration -->
	<Root level="OFF">
		<AppenderRef ref="LOGFILE"/>
		<AppenderRef ref="OSGI"/>

	<!-- Karaf Shell logger -->
	<Logger level="OFF" name="">
		<AppenderRef ref="STDOUT"/>

	<!-- Security audit logger -->
	<Logger additivity="false" level="OFF" name="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.audit">
		<AppenderRef ref="AUDIT"/>

	<!-- openHAB specific logger configuration -->

	<Logger level="OFF" name="org.openhab"/>

	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.ItemStateEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.ItemAddedEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.ItemRemovedEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.ItemChannelLinkAddedEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.ItemChannelLinkRemovedEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.ThingStatusInfoEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.ThingAddedEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.ThingUpdatedEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.ThingRemovedEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.InboxUpdatedEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.RuleAddedEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.RuleRemovedEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.StartlevelEvent"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="openhab.event.AddonEvent"/>

	<Logger additivity="false" level="OFF" name="openhab.event">
		<AppenderRef ref="EVENT"/>
		<AppenderRef ref="OSGI"/>

	<Logger level="ERROR" name="javax.jmdns"/>
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="org.jupnp"/>

	<!-- This suppresses all Maven download issues from the log when doing feature installations -->
	<!-- as we are logging errors ourselves in a nicer way anyhow. -->
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.internal.AetherBasedResolver"/>

	<!-- Filters known issues of pax-web (issue link to be added here). -->
	<!-- Can be removed once the issues are resolved in an upcoming version. -->
	<Logger level="OFF" name="org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime"/>

	<!-- Filters known issues of lsp4j, see -->
	<!-- -->
	<!-- -->
	<!-- -->
	<!-- Can be removed once the issues are resolved in an upcoming version. -->
	<Logger level="OFF" name="org.eclipse.lsp4j"/>

	<!-- Filters warnings for events that could not be delivered to a disconnected client. -->
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.sse.SseEventSinkImpl"/>

	<!-- Filters known issues of KarServiceImpl, see -->
	<!-- -->
	<!-- Can be removed once the issues are resolved in an upcoming version. -->
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="org.apache.karaf.kar.internal.KarServiceImpl"/>

	<!-- Filters warnings about unavailable ciphers when JCE is not installed, see -->
	<!-- -->
	<Logger level="ERROR" name=""/>

	<!-- Filters known issues of javax.mail, see -->
	<!-- -->
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="javax.mail"/>

	<!-- Filters disconnection warnings of the ChromeCast Java API, see -->
	<!-- -->
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="su.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.Channel"/>

	<!-- Added by Karaf to prevent debug logging loops, see -->
	<!-- -->
	<Logger level="ERROR" name="org.apache.sshd"/>
	<Logger level="OFF" name="org.openhab.binding.exec"/>
	<Logger level="OFF" name=""/>
	<Logger level="OFF" name="*"/>
	<Logger level="DEBUG" name="org.openhab.binding.zwave"/>

Dear all,

I sent the wrong log. Sorry for that.

Herewith the openhag log.

What I did during logging:

Exlude the walli (Node 101)
Reinclude the walli (NODE 102)
Wake the walli several times.

Still not able to update: wakeup node and wake up internal, nor the operations mode

Very strange.


(Attachment WalliLog.log is missing)

no file

I know. Sent you another message with file content in the message

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Hello !

Did you get the log ?

I struggle to send it

(Attachment WalliLog3Short.log is missing)

Still no log.

Looking at the device what might have happened is it has set itself up as if it is powered and not sleeping. Fibaro have made a few devices that are sleeping when on battery and non sleeping when on power. I have not had one of these but all of the others could behave strangely. I think the determination for powered or battery might come from the voltage. The log would show some failures if this has happened.

If it is the case it has added as powered then the only way to fix is exclude and probably as a precaution factory reset then add again

How can I send you a log. It is quite big and would not paste in the message form.

Any Mail ?

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Hello !

For you information, with a jeedom system, I was able to include and modify parameters.

So there must be an issue with how openhab interacts with this device.

As I said, I have an available log file for you, but did not succeed sending it by reply to the mail or by pasting the content into this message window. Not used to using this forum. Sorry for that.

But I think this log file might be useful to the community.



If you stop openHAB then start it and let it run for a short time and stop again the log should be small enough to post.

And you suggest to post it directly in plain text here or is there a way to send it attached ?

Envoyé de mon iPhone

You can upload small files to the forum. 7th Icon