Thanks for that! My trace output is as follows - it seems different from the trace output in that other thread, but I suspect you’re right about it being calculated in the web interface but not reported in the data stream:
executeCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): received: FFFF2700450100E8064408274209276D0200C207550A00CF0B00070C0007150000000016000017002A00324D00152C1F2E251A00EC2240620000008B6163A416D66022190036E3
I’ve already got it calculating an approximated dewpoint using the approximated (simpler) formula on How do I calculate dew point? … but if I’m going to be keeping on using a calculation, I should probably do it with a more complete formula.
I disagree with you that the rate of rainfall is correctly represented as volume per time, but I suppose it is equally wrong as length (without a per-time component integrated) - L/hr (instead of mm/hr) includes an incorrect multiplier of 1 m², whereas mm includes an incorrect multiplier of 1 hr - it’s just a question of which incorrect dimension we choose to multiply the correct units by. Unless/until openHAB expands the number category to include a rate-of-precipitation option (mm/hr or in/hr), the dimensionless approach will do the job, and is no less correct than any of the other options (either the Length approach used by ipObserver, or the VolumetricFlow used by FO).
Thank you again for the amazing work on this binding - I’m off to code up an accurate dewpoint calculation!