Cool, I read the spec linked to from the binding page and looks like it was last updated in 2022 and doesn’t include any detail about the WFC01 - will try emailing Ecowitt/Fine Offset support to see if there’s a new version unless you know of another way to find out? Google didn’t help, nor did guessing filenames.
This is the right approach
Ok so it looks like the WFC01 (and the AC1100 smart plug) are a totally different generation of product that Ecowitt/Fine Offset are calling “IoT devices”.
You need to use either the GW2000 or GW1200 “IoT Gateway” to connect to them - and there’s an entirely different http/json API you need to use to get data and control those two devices.
Here’s the spec they sent me.
Local IOT API 20240528.pdf (149.5 KB)
I’ll look at buying the GW2000, WFC01 and maybe an AC1100 later this year and can have a crack at integrating them with the binding, although likely life will get in the way!
I bought a DP2000 7-in-1 Y-Edition and integrated it into OH4 using the binding. It worked straight away. All items were created automatically using VSC. Great binding!
I noticed that the value for solar radiation in OH and in the live data are very different. Do I need to do a conversion?
I have now solved my problem like this:
I convert the lx-value to W/m² using a rule.
I have not found any other way.
can you share the rule to convert?
rule "Strahlung"
Item WetterstationIllumination changed
Strahlung.postUpdate(WetterstationIllumination.state as Number / 126.7)
Strahlung is a Number-Item without Thing.
SOLVED removing the thing and creare a new weather things and link the old items to new thing channels
126.7 is random number or there is a scientific explanation ? real conversion factor?
just to know because actually i’m dividing for 10 just to have a bigger number. Not interested to real illuminance level. i use the illuminance, just to turn on some external lights and to actuate the pump of solar pannels for the heating of swimming pool
From here
I use a FROGGIT HP1000SE PRO. It runs with the WS View Plus app and in the app it shows the IP of the display unit. But the binding changes always between online and communication error… So ist HP1000SE PRO supported or not?
I don’t think so - as far as I can see this FOWS binding is polling data from the local Ecowitt API which is not implemented into all recent Fine Offset/Ecowitt consoles and clones (most Froggit stations are FO/EW clones).
I suggest you read my WiKi at start [Wiki - Fine Offset Ecowitt Ambient Weather Stations (and clones)]
There you will find the consoles/gateways with that API and those which don’t have it. The HP25x0 consoles don’t have it.
Reading other sections won’t hurt either.
That WiKi is pretty much up-to-date - and maybe I should include openHAB under the data logger section (if time allows).
@Andy2003 would have found the meaning and size of the 6C marker there.
free heap means free dynamic memory of the console/gateway - not the/a sensor as someone earlier suspected. Dynamic memory is the memory which can be dynamically reserved (and released) by applications running in the RAM - and it is Max memory minus app memory minus app reservations.
In earlier firmware versions of the GW1x00/GW2000 gateways this memory was not released after usage due to a software bug and then the device got stuck after some time and would need a reboot or power-cycle to start working again.
Your Froggit HP1000SE, a HP25x0 clone, should work with what is called here in the openHAB terminology IpObserver Binding - basically the data posting of an Ecowitt console (all modern Ecowitt consoles can post the sensor data plus some additional information) customized server functionality in the so-called Ecowitt protocol.
These posted data are intercepted by the IpObserver Binding and then assigned to the variables used by openHAB. The FineOffset Weather Station binding does something similar - it polls data from the console and then assigns them to the respective variables used in openHAB.
From what I could see at first glance, the IpObserver Binding does not cover all possible sensors certain Ecowitt consoles can post (e.g. HP25x0, HP350x, WS2910) but only a basic set formerly used by the WH2600 gateway also named ObserverIP. If your HP1000SE Pro variant only uses the WS69/WH65 outdoor array, the ipObserver binding will cover all your sensors. For more sensors it will probably need to be extended (by the way the same fate the so-called interceptor driver of the weewx weather software suffers from)
Again, the before mentioned WiKi describes these things and also gives an overview of the different data flows and types.
UV index is calculated by the console as radiation / 100 (radiation = luminosity / 126.7)
WSV+ only retrieves this value from the console with a local Ecowitt API - it doesn’t calculate it.
As this provides unrealistic values, a calibration factor for the UVI of 0.65 - 0.75 is recommended.
Then the console will provide the calibrated value via the API.
You can figure out your specific UVI calibration factor on a cloudless day in summer and compare to the UVI readings of a nearby official weather station.
is there an example (picture/photo) available of how an openHAB page for a FO/EW Weatherstation could look like ?
I’m sure that many users of the FOWS binding here will have their own page(s).
I’d like to have 1-2 example photos to put into the FO-EW WiKi - and I don’t want to go through the whole installation process on a server myself and then build my own page …
Thank you for the detailed answer! Bad luck! Maybe I’ll try the IpObserver Binding later.
I added the WH35 - Leaf wetness sensor to my DP2000 7-in-1 Y-Edition. In OH I can only see the channels under the thing alternately. Always for about 20 seconds. Is this normal or did I make a mistake during installation?
Did you assign different channels to the sensors in the WS-View App? To further analyse the issue you need to provide some trace logs.
The sensor was immediately integrated into the web interface of the GW2000.
I then looked for the channel under the Thing in OH and there the display switched cyclically between the existing channels and the new channel. The setup worked and I also get values. It just alternates.
2024-07-21 13:37:14.234 [TRACE] [ervice.FineOffsetGatewayQueryService] - executeCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): send request: FFFF27032A
2024-07-21 13:37:14.239 [TRACE] [ervice.FineOffsetGatewayQueryService] - executeCommand(CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA): received: FFFF2700420100E7064108251D09251D02011A07350A00E30B00060C000A150002F98616013B170119001F0E000010000011000012000001B013000004450D000072009F
2024-07-21 13:37:14.242 [TRACE] [ervice.FineOffsetGatewayQueryService] - 0xFFFF2700420100E7064108251D09251D02011A07350A00E30B00060C000A150002F98616013B170119001F0E000010000011000012000001B013000004450D000072009F
0xFFFF : header
0x27 : command: CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA
0x0042 : size
0x01 : measurand INTEMP
0x00E7 : TEMPERATURE: 23.1 °C
0x06 : measurand INHUMI
0x41 : PERCENTAGE: 65 %
0x08 : measurand ABSBARO
0x251D : PRESSURE: 950.1 hPa
0x09 : measurand RELBARO
0x251D : PRESSURE: 950.1 hPa
0x02 : measurand OUTTEMP
0x011A : TEMPERATURE: 28.2 °C
0x07 : measurand OUTHUMI
0x35 : PERCENTAGE: 53 %
0x0A : measurand WINDDIRECTION
0x00E3 : DEGREE: 227 °
0x0B : measurand WINDSPEED
0x0006 : SPEED: 0.6 m/s
0x0C : measurand GUSTSPEED
0x000A : SPEED: 1 m/s
0x15 : measurand LIGHT
0x0002F986: LUX: 19495 lx
0x16 : measurand UV
0x17 : measurand UVI
0x01 : BYTE: 1
0x19 : measurand DAYLWINDMAX
0x001F : SPEED: 3.1 m/s
0x0E : measurand RAINRATE
0x0000 : HEIGHT_PER_HOUR: 0 mm/h
0x10 : measurand RAINDAY
0x0000 : HEIGHT: 0 mm
0x11 : measurand RAINWEEK
0x0000 : HEIGHT: 0 mm
0x12 : measurand RAINMONTH
0x000001B0: HEIGHT_BIG: 43.2 mm
0x13 : measurand RAINYEAR
0x00000445: HEIGHT_BIG: 109.3 mm
0x0D : measurand RAINEVENT
0x0000 : HEIGHT: 0 mm
0x72 : measurand LEAF_WETNESS_CHX channel 1
0x00 : PERCENTAGE: 0 %
0x9F : checksum
2024-07-21 13:37:14.244 [TRACE] [ervice.FineOffsetGatewayQueryService] - executeCommand(CMD_READ_RAIN): send request: FFFF57035A
2024-07-21 13:37:14.250 [TRACE] [ervice.FineOffsetGatewayQueryService] - executeCommand(CMD_READ_RAIN): received: FFFF5700270E00001000000000110000000012000001B013000004450D00000F0064880000007A014F
2024-07-21 13:37:14.252 [TRACE] [ervice.FineOffsetGatewayQueryService] - 0xFFFF5700270E00001000000000110000000012000001B013000004450D00000F0064880000007A014F
0xFFFF : header
0x57 : command: CMD_READ_RAIN
0x0027 : size
0x0E : measurand RAINRATE
0x0000 : HEIGHT_PER_HOUR: 0 mm/h
0x10 : measurand RAINDAY
0x00000000: HEIGHT_BIG: 0 mm
0x11 : measurand RAINWEEK
0x00000000: HEIGHT_BIG: 0 mm
0x12 : measurand RAINMONTH
0x000001B0: HEIGHT_BIG: 43.2 mm
0x13 : measurand RAINYEAR
0x00000445: HEIGHT_BIG: 109.3 mm
0x0D : measurand RAINEVENT
0x0000 : HEIGHT: 0 mm
0x0F : measurand RAINHOUR
0x0064 : HEIGHT: 10 mm
0x88 : measurand RST_RAIN_TIME
0x000000 : skipped
0x7A : measurand RAIN_PRIO
0x01 : skipped
0x4F : checksum
The trace looks OK. Have you tried to disable and enable the binding?