Firmware updates for Fibaro ZWave devices via OpenHAB?

Is there a way to make firmware updates for Fibaro ZWave devices? I have seen some posts in the internet about firmware updates for Fibaro and ask myself if this is possible via OpenHAB or only via the Fibaro HomeCenter or something similar?

As of today, you can only do it with Fibaro’s Home Center.

The problem with firmware updates is companies currently don’t want to release the binaries - I guess they are worried about people reverse engineering it! I’ve had some discussions with Aeon about this and they will only release the updates under NDA or as part of an auto upload type execitable…

At least Aeon make this available and don’t require you to spend a lot of money like Fibaro (ie as Markus said, Fibaro require the use of the HomeCenter!).

If at some point this becomes more readily available then I will implement the firmware update in openHAB.


This is quite old - any news on this in 2020?

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No - as far as I’m aware Fibaro do not release their firmware files and it’s only possible to update firmware through their HomeBase device.

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