Formatting date/time of a label-item (within a list-card-widget in a page) with YAML

Out of curiosity i checked today the “org.openhab.core.items.Metadata.json” file where i assume should be the entries for state description and command description. But there is nothing for the respective items.
Also in “” there is only the entry for the profile an nothing regarding state description and command description.
Only utilizing the REST-API i can see them.
I assume these options are comming from the binding dynamically each time.

I have a solution for my implementation based on Yannick’s proposal but the question still is should this be fixed or at least documented to avoid that others face the same issue.

Thanks to all off you for your great support, without your input i would not have been able to fix this issue for may implementation.

Yes, definitely will not be associated with the link entity.

In ye olden days of OH2 I think state descriptions were held in Item JSON (the invention of these properties preceding the introduction of metadata JSON)