Fritzbox call overview

Hi Joerg.
It’s running for me too.
i only changed:

executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab2/scripts/ update",10000)

10000 for secure finishing of the script i think.?

But still have this problem:

2018-09-22 03:58:11.886 [WARN ] [smarthome.model.script.actions.Audio] - Failed playing audio file: Unsupported file extension!


grrat work guys, but wouldn‘t it make sense to have a repo on GitHub bringing all required pieces together rather than copy&paste from somewhere to somewhere

looking forward to give it a try

Have a great New Year!:four_leaf_clover:

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I second this. :slight_smile:

I have tried the version from @der_optimist, but the widget does not fit my dashboards. I’d like to try the version from @vbier next.

@vbier, I am using your solution with the most recent changes. I copied the necessary CSS rules from the Matrix theme because I do not want to use the whole Matrix theme.

I have some small problems, probably related to latest FritzOS, maybe you have an idea what could be the cause and maybe you already have fixed it for yourself.

I had to change your rule like @JoVo described, because current version of FritzOS has that “,” in the fboxIncomingCall.state and fboxOutgoingCall.state, so that is fixed.

Still, when an incoming call with recording ends, the caller list refreshes automatically, but I only see an entry for the missed call, not for the recording. When I execute the shell script manually with “update” again and then refresh Habpanel, then I see the recording (cassette icon).
Edit: I added Thread.sleep(3000) in the rule (before the execution of the update command), then the FritzBox apparently had enough time to process the call with recording.

Next problem: When I play a recording in Habpanel, is is not marked as read in the FritzBox. I also tried executing the script manually with “mark 0”, which executes without error, but the FritzBox still states that it is new during the next “update” call (isNewTamMsg=1).


To be honest, I wrote this a while ago and never really used it. I am not interested in fixing it or setting up a GitHub repo.

I quickly looked into this. Change the soapCall line in the mark function in the script to:

soapCall "$BASEURL/upnp/control/x_tam" "urn:dslforum-org:service:X_AVM-DE_TAM:1" MarkMessage dummy "<NewIndex>$tam</NewIndex><NewMessageIndex>$index</NewMessageIndex><NewMarkedAsRead>1</NewMarkedAsRead>"

After that the messages are shown as read again.

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@vbier, it works great now, thank you!

Hello Sidamos, could you please explain, how to copy the necessary CSS-rules?
The last days I tried nearly every approach discussed here but on the one hand you need the matrix-theme on the other hand the widged seems to be not complete…
Don´t get me wrong - great work from all of the above developers but if you are not one of them even with google it is hard to come to a “happy end” :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot in advance

@klausO I’ll try to put everything needed on Github ASAP.

Hi sidamos,
that´s a very good idea!
I will be patient :slight_smile:

@klausO Please find everything at If I forgot something, please let me know.

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Hello sid, cool news! I’ll try it this evening.

Thanks a lot


thanks for putting this together in a single place.
One thing is missing I guess: The widget template references calloverview.html which is not contained in the git.
Another missing link: I like to put everything related into on subdirectory (I just used calllist).
The template references files in the static (root) directory. A small hint about this dependency in the would be helpful.

calloverview.html is being generated by when a call comes in.

I’ll see what I can do in the readme regarding the html directory.

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You are right, was to busy putting everything in the right place.
Finally it is working, I see all the calls in this nice little list.

Thanks to all people involed, especially @vbier for the basis and @sidamos for provinding a consolidated git download and a doc where to put all the files.


Hello sidamos,

thanks a lot - great work!

Everything fits nearly perfect.

One little issue I get with this part in the widged:

    <div class="widget"

ng-if=“itemValue(‘fboxIncomingCallResolved’) != ‘NULL’”>

with 'NULL' it looks like in the attached image callerlist.jpg

If I replace 'NULL' with ',' it looks like in callerlist1.jpg

I have no clue, why this happens but it´s ok for me.

Again - thanks for the time you spend to get this working for a dau

like me :slight_smile:

Have a nice weekend


Hello @sidamos, everything works as expected with your installation instruction and all needed parts of the callerlist in habpanel.
Thanks a lot for getting the puzzle complete!
you made my weekend a bit sunnier as it was before :slight_smile:

@klausO thanks for the hint. I fixed the template on GitHub. I think the cause is a change in some FritzOS version. The same fix was necessary in the shell script but I forgot to change the template.

…ah, I remember your post…

But not for that - thanks for your work!



Hello sidamos,

I had an Idea to display allways the last name (or unbekannt) of an

incoming call.

Like most of the Fritzbox and Habpaneluser I am using the script to

resolve the incomingCallerName using the phonebook.

So I dropped out the "if"-Statement from the widged and now I am

showing the item fbox_LastInCallName instead of

witch shows the name without my own number and if the number is not

found in my phonebook, the entry in the table is “unbekannt”.

    <div class="widget">

            <div class="name">Anruf von</div>

            <div class="valueGroup"><div


With that - there´s allways an entry at "Anruf von" and never a

simple “,”

Looks ok for me...;-)

Best regards
