Garadget Binding

I am having a weird issue with door control, when I use openHAB to close the door by pressing the down arrow it works fine but for some reason it won’t open the door when I press the up arrow. However, Alexa can open it when I say “turn the garage door off” I checked and the items for the switch and the rollershutter are the same except the “Switch” and “Rollershutter” parts of course.
Any thoughts?

Anything in the openhab.log file about it? Does the door function properly when using the native Garadget app or web?

In fairness I haven’t had a chance to do any significant testing, I couldn’t find anything in the openhab.log but I need to do a more controlled test. - I was busy with an important birthday celebration :wink:

The app works well, I haven’t calibrated the door but it is reporting open and closed correctly and I am able to open and close remotely.

I will test more this evening and let you know what I see in the openhab.log. I recall testing up and down the first time and it worked, I am pretty sure. The only thing I changed was to add the “switch” so that Alexa can turn the garage door on and off.

I don’t see any reason in the code that a Switch item receiving an ON or OFF command would not work as intended. Perhaps another set of eyes could explain it. Let us know how your testing goes later this evening. And happy birthday, if it was you whose birthday you were celebrating!

My Fiancee’s birthday… but thanks! - I couldn’t see anything either. I am going to restart my openHAB2 too just to give it a clean start. I will give you an update once I get the results.

I was able to test it this evening and, after a reboot, the up and down worked. I noticed however that “stop” doesn’t appear to have an effect. I know it received the command as I have this in my events.log

2016-11-21 18:00:51.424 [ItemCommandEvent ] - Item ‘doorState’ received command UP
2016-11-21 18:00:55.893 [ItemCommandEvent ] - Item ‘doorState’ received command STOP

I am wondering if it’s a lag that is preventing the stop command from doing anything?

Does stopping your door work from the native app or web? If not, it would be how you wired up the device to your garage door opener, or some other device configuration.

If it does work from the native app or web, then there’s something odd: The docs say the binding can send “stop”, but in the Garadget firmware I see no instance of the “stop” string. Only “stopped”.

You could define a String item like

String doorStateString   "Control [%s]" { garadget=">[270041234567343432313031#setState],<[270041234567343432313031#doorStatus_status]" }

and send that item a “stopped” command to see if it works, and see if sending it “stop” does not work. In the meantime, I will ask Denis (@garadget) if the current firmware will respond to “stop” as an argument to the setState function. Unless I misread the firmware code, I don’t see support for “stop”.

I will give it a test tonight. - It’s not a big deal but sometimes it is handy to be able to stop the door opening and just leave it half way. Again not a big deal. I know I can do it from the button itself and the device is wired to the two wires that come from the button. I did notice a lag on my “close” command so I wondered if maybe the lag was too long and the door actually closed before it received the stop.

Hi Ian,

Every different garage door can take different amounts of time to close. I believe Garadget has a setting you can tune in that regard. The Garadget binding in openHAB can also be tuned to match using the quickpoll setting. This is used to request current status from the API some number of milliseconds after you have sent a command like open or close. Approximately quickpoll milliseconds after your command, the binding will request current status and update items accordingly. Then it returns to its normal, less frequent polling cycle.

The binding should definitely stop the door when asked to. If I find out more about, I will report back here.

Interesting, I will test it tonight and see if I can stop it both from the binding and the app. As I said, it’s not a big deal but would be interesting to see if it can stop it.

My garadget app is saying my door is offline but openHAB2 can still open the door. I have contacted @garadget but the site at is not working. I was able to send him my door ID but the site crashed and I can’t answer the rest of his questions. I am hoping he will see this here.

@ianj001 The community board is online and working. Please confirm that you can access it.

Not sure what is happening with my browser on the other laptop but I still could not access the site however, with my Mac all is working. Not sure how that could be. However, I was able to get onto the site and answer the questions there.

@watu I am still unable to stop the door from openHAB2 but I really don’t need that functionality so I am not going to pursue it. On the plus side, I was able to enable the voice commands in the app and now I can say to the app “open the garage door” and it does as it’s commanded, the same for closing it. I am pretty impressed with the whole set up I think @garadget has a great device that is easy to fit to almost any opener and with your binding it is an easy integration into openHAB2 thanks guys!

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I’ve left a question on the Garadget forum:

The binding was wrong, but I’ve submitted a PR to fix it:

Great, thanks for the work on this!

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I am running OH 2.2 and installed the Garadget binding to pull door status from my own Particle Photon garage door opener. As much as I try, I can’t get the status to update in OH.

Also, this is my first 1x binding, so maybe I’m missing something.

My photon is sending events that I can see update in real time in the particle console event viewer. My event name is “status” and the data is “open” or closed".

I have created a a garadget.cfg file as follows:

################################ Garadget Binding #######################################
# the username for accessing your account (required, replace with your own)

# the password for accessing your account (required, replace with your own)
# it is your responsbility to ensure that no one can access your username or password

ohpm.items looks like this:

String status         "Door Status [%s]"                              (Garadget) { garadget="<[myparticlekeyhere1234#status]" }

Finally, I have an ohpm.sitemap that looks like this:

sitemap ohpm label="OpenHab Particle Monitor development sitemap"

			Text item=status


From HABMIN when I choose the site map all I see is “Door Status” “NULL”.

The logs only show that the binding has started. What am I missing?