Garage door sensor - get data from cloud?

Hi guys,
I live in apartment (so not house) and my garage is maybe 50m from that place. Therefore I have no direct connection for zigbee or wifi between these 2 locations. I would like to monitor garage door open/close status.
I am wondering about some solution like wifi router placed in garage (could be wifi router with GSM feature so to use SIM card, or better (cheaper) to connect that wifi router to public wifi network I see in the garage (it is UPC wifi-free network) and some wifi door sensor
I would like to avoid to have also some hub in the garage. I would expect should be possible to connect door sensor to that wifi router send the data to some service/cloud (or directly to my openhab?) and read it in my Openhab.

Do you see any solutions/ideas for this?

Any help is appreciated, thank you

Recent thread-

For 50m, I’d be exploring a WiFi bridge.

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