GE 14298 Showing up as `Unknown Device`

Good evening,
I am running OpenHAB 2.4.0-1 with the binding-zwave at 2.4.0.
I ran the enrollment procedure for a 14298 GE Zwave Plus Outdoor Plug-In On/Off Module and it is now showing up as an Unknown Device with the following information:

zwave_beaming           true
zwave_class_basic       BASIC_TYPE_ROUTING_SLAVE
zwave_class_generic     GENERIC_TYPE_SWITCH_BINARY
zwave_deviceid          12340
zwave_devicetype        20304
zwave_frequent          false
zwave_lastheal          2019-11-21T07:57:01Z
zwave_listening         true
zwave_manufacturer      99
zwave_neighbours        1,3,4,5,6,7,8,17
zwave_nodeid            18
zwave_plus_devicetype   NODE_TYPE_ZWAVEPLUS_NODE
zwave_plus_roletype     ROLE_TYPE_SLAVE_ALWAYS_ON
zwave_routing           true
zwave_secure            false
zwave_version           5.52

I tried a couple of enrollments, turn it on/off, re-initialize and heal to no avail.

The device is plugged into the wall and is not running on battery.

What can I do?


This is old for the binding
You can update the zwave binding only

Yes, but unfortunately I cannot find that device in the database so it won’t help :sunglasses:

@Marc_Vieira-Cardinal, could you please post the xml file for that device from your /userdata/zwave folder?


Thanks for the replies all, I forgot to mention that I tried looking for that device in the DB and as mentioned by @sihui I had no luck finding that one. I can’t upload the XML (new users cannot upload attachments) but here is the content of the userdata XML for that device:

  <associationGroups class="concurrent-hash-map">
        <name>Group2 On/Off/Dim control</name>
        <name>Group3 On/Off/Dim control</name>
  <endpoints class="concurrent-hash-map">
        <supportedCommandClasses class="concurrent-hash-map">
  <lastReceived>2019-11-21 01:57:28.481 UTC</lastReceived>

Thanks for your help!

Here is your device, please add the missing information:

Alright! I’ll create an account there and submit additional information. Strange that the box and documentation is all GE while it shows up as Jasco on the database… I guess its a whitelabel agreement?

Okay, I thought you already had an account.
I finished it up, please update to the latest zwave snapshot binding when the changes got merged.

I moved to snapshot and I now have this version of the ZWave Binding:

218 │ Active │  80 │      │ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ZWave Binding

My device is still showing up as unknown and I don’t see in the list of supported devices when looking at the binding.

Is there something else I need to do?

Yes, having some patience :grinning:
The repo has not been updated yet, we are all volunteers in our spare time, please wait and further watch the repo for the changes, thanks.

Oh no problem! I work as a devops engineer and had a look at the intricate setup you have here but I’m still getting familiarized with the development flow. I’m getting bits here and there on the forum but I seem to be missing a high level view of how they fit together.
Thanks for your hard work!

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It’s exported now and should be in today’s or tomorrows snapshot: