Are you sure?
I’m on OH 4.2.1 using the addon-store version of the Weather calculations (4.1.0), and it works fine.
Last month I published a version for 4.2.x to the marketplace. Can you try uninstalling your current binding and getting the new one? I don’t think the new version was completely necessary, I was just trying to be proactive, in case there was a problem with dependencies between 4.1 and 4.2 (which I don’t think there were any that affect us.)
My mistake, I did have it manually installed via jar-file.
I’ve removed it and installed the addon-store version, which now shows:
Weather Calculations [4.2.0;4.2.99].
idn …
is there anywhere better log to see what’s what?
edit found the issue: @hww3
Bundle IDs:
Error executing command: Error installing bundles:
Unable to install bundle org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Error reading bundle content.
That URL looks okay, I just tried to retrieve it, (though there’s a redirect or two from bitbucket to aws-s3)… can you try uninstalling the binding and re-adding it? Removing the binding should not cause your existing configuration to be harmed.
It’s not installed (or i can’t find it anywhere already). Strangely I did not uninstalled it, after 4.2.1 it just dissapeared and cannot be instelled again from marketplace nor manually
That’s strange. There were no code changes, just using newer version of the openhab libraries and dependencies.
Are you getting error messages in the log? Does it (or any other version) appear in the output of bundle:list?
sandly it isnt, so can’t uninstall nor install now.
openhab> bundle:list | grep Calculations
openhab> bundle:install
Bundle IDs:
Error executing command: Error installing bundles:
Unable to install bundle org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Error reading bundle content.
not sure where to look at now
Did you try to download the jar file and place it into the addons directory?
Then restart OH.
It’s probably here: /usr/share/openhab/addons/
that worked for some absolutely unknown reason tho … so confused
It’s /possible/ that openhab/karaf isn’t properly reading redirects from the bitbucket download site. Could you try downloading that file and dropping it in your addons directory?
I’ve started moving away from bitbucket, so this won’t likely continue to be a problem.
Actually, I just checked and this file is in the new location now, so you might be trying to download from a location that doesn’t exist.
Try this:
that indeed worked.
so it must be something weird in bitbucket and my security for internal network… {paranoia-hat-on}