Get a warning everytime I open 8080

RPi 4B, Installed from current image downloaded two days ago. Z-wave Gen5+ stick. Been using OH since V2 but consider myself a smart novice. Just controlling lights and switches nothing fancy.

Spent better than 10 hours to carefully load/configure at each step. Then in the log I noticed
[WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn’t exist: undefined

Today spent 4-5 hours trying to find the source of a warning in the log . Then I accedentailly discovered the warning pops up whenever I open myserver:8080/overview Watching the log on my computer and opening OH from my cell by the OH app. I can make the warning repeat.
I didn’t have this issue before I started this re-build. My OCD does notice flags.
Any ideas? AnybodY?

Extra I just opened my dashboard through OH Online and the warning repeats.

Thank you, knowing that it’s not ‘important’ is a relief. Though I have no custom widgets. This issue only showed up with this new install with the latest and final 4.3 image. Now waiting for version 5, though for my use, "simple: is all I need. I envy those who have such programming knowledge to make fancy looking enviornments. I am 75, retired as a computer specialist / administrator and my memory is like that of a 1980’s computer.
Thank You… Happy new year!

Problem found, in the pages setup I had a blank “label Cell” to align my looks on cell app. Once the label was removed so did the warning. Thank you Sihui your message led me to the cause and my OCD was itching for the reason. Thank You again.

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