Get imagen from item

i try to show a image from item … the problem is that i wanna show the cover o cover art of spotify when i play any sound in cometvisu … the problem is the imagen is saved like a item, and in cometvisu i need show the src="URL of the imagen "but i cant show it item in xml becouse only recived src…i try it but cant work

my idea is convert the item to string and after it download it URL like IMAGEN (jgp)
and save it in a folder in my computer or raspberry … and after link it in my XML file

rule "Download Spotify Cover "
Item Spotify_urlCover changed
executeCommandLine("wget -o /LightEASY/conf/html/CoverSpoty.png " + Spotify_urlCover.state.toString)

I have already replied to you in your other thread.
You need to download the image in your shared openHAB html folder and then the image will be available for the different UIs
For example:

rule "Download Spotify Cover "
    Item Spotify_urlCover changed
    val String commandImage = "wget -o /etc/openhab2/html/CoverSpoty.png " + Spotify_urlCover.state.toString

Not sure it will work (I haven’t got any image items in my system, so cannot try), but what happens if you use <openhab_address>/rest/items/<item_name>/state? Try typing it into a browser and see what response you get.

thanks my friend for you help … but i cant that it work … if i make it that you told me the page giveme the link or imagen in base 64 but i cant send it like imagen