Getting all OFFLINE devices

Function? or sitemap? :wink:

Function means, you have to have a rule in place, which checks:

  1. all items are in a group (gMonitoring for example)
  2. regarding of the type of item, you could have to use some expire-items[1]
  3. the rule checks, if a item in this group changed to OFF
  4. you can then send you a push notification, an email, a telegram, … as a “warning”
  5. you can place all gMonitoring devices on a sitemap and check their statuses

if you’re using network binding to ping devices regularly, sometimes you get a device as OFFline, which isn’t really - so you’re working with a proxy-item ( Design Pattern: Proxy Item ) to make sure, it stays online unless it is offline for let’s say more than a couple minutes.
But let’s assume, everything works as intended, you won’t need a proxy, but can with that:


Switch	Synology	"Synology NAS"	<network>	(gMonitoring)	{ expire="5m,command=OFF",channel="network:pingdevice:Synology:online" }


rule "offline Netzwerk"
	Member of gMonitoring changed to UNDEF
	var String message = "the following item is offline: " + triggeringitem.label
	logInfo("monitoring rule", message)
	sendNotification("", message)		
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