Ginlong Solis solar inverter monitoring

mbpoll don’t have 0x06 or 0x10 function code (write FC) as of the moment

I use a Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP converter.

I’ve managed to connect locally to Sofar inverter through TCP connection on port 8899 of the LSW logger (wifi dongle for sofar). It works of the v5 protocol of the wifi dongle (all dongles which serial numbers starts with 17xxx may work).

See [new binding] Logger LSW for Sofar/Omnik/IE for SolarmanPV based on protocol v5 (iGEN tech)

Within a month or 2 I will install my solar panels and batteries with the Solis RHI 1P-5K. I already checked this whole topic, but for me it’s not clear how to grab the data directly from the inverter. I’m reading a lot about a ‘monitoring stick’, is this included by default? Do I need to order other stuff?

Monitoring stick aka logger grabs data from inverter and pushes it to cloud or other. It is up to you whether you have in a package such logger or not. Ask your provider. Ask which logger you would have.

They sold me ‘online monitoring’ and asked if an UTP cable will be present. Will I be able to use the new binding you are developing, or do I need to check the modbus solution (never used this before)?

I have been confirmed by some users that following sticks may work:

  • wifi stick with firmware - LSW3_15_FFFF_1.0.57, those have serial number starting with 17xxx
  • wifi stick with firmware - LSW3_15_FFFF_1.0.65, those have serial number starting with 17xxx
  • eth stick with firmware - ME_08_2701_2.06, those have serial number starting with 21xxx

You can ask about the firmware version your supplier. Or you can ask for serial number (but this may not be precise information)

Am I missing something or is not possible to retrieve data simply using the standard Solis API. The API uses HTTP POST method, and the message transmission is in JSON format. The detailed API documentation is on the link at the bottom of this page API Access - SolisCloud : Service Centre.


I’ve raised a feature request on GitHub for a SolisCoud integration:

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