Good Way Technologies 36511 RGBW Dimmer - Possible DB Correction

Hello, in researching an issue I’m having with my RGBW dimmer, I found this thread, describing the same issue I’m experiencing. When I try to change the color value on the dimmer, in the logs I see the error “[WARN ] [nternal.converter.ZWaveColorConverter] - NODE 21: Unknown color mode null”.

I checked the Zwave device database and found this in the configuration file:

<channel id="color_color" typeId="color_color">
    <label>Color Control</label>
      <property name="binding:*:HSBType">COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_COLOR</property>
      <property name="binding:*:PercentType">COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL</property>
      <property name="binding:Command:OnOffType">COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL</property>
  <channel id="color_temperature" typeId="color_temperature">
    <label>Color Temperature</label>
      <property name="binding:*:PercentType">COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_COLOR;colorMode=DIFF_WHITE</property>
      <property name="binding:Command:OnOffType">COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL</property>

According to that linked thread, it sounds like colorMode should be “RGB”. Is that correct? If so, can we get that changed? Are there any other possible solutions?

As always, thanks for your help.

Running OH 2.5.0

I’ve updated the database and will likely do a binding update tonight.

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Once the binding is updated, then I will either have to manually update the binding in my installation, or wait for a newer version of OH which includes the new binding, correct?