Google Home - Actions (API) now available!


So this evening I deleted my Google Project and Action and started from scratch. I rebuilt it all. I documented each step and still no go. You may have sensed my frustration in my last post, but, I had the same results. It kept asking me for oauth2 authorization.

Well due to unrelated reasons, I was trying to fall asleep and my mind was racing… I couldn’t sleep and I started thinking about this some more. I decided to to try wiping the Google Home app cache and IT WORKED! The crazy thing is that I’ve uninstalled the app many times, so why it took clearing the cache, I don’t know… But that was the last thing that got it working.

As I mentioned earlier, I also meticulously documented my steps on this rebuild. I’m hoping to have some time in the next day or two to get it cleaned up (easier to read, sensitive info sanitization) and shared for everyone.



Sounds interesting, maybe you want do describe this as a tutorial in another thread?

I’ve updated the README, albeit it’s not merged yet.

Might want to see what it’s in my PR and update it if you have different steps.


Hi Dennis, I haven’t gotten as far as the reverse proxy, that was going to be one of my next steps. I’m using dynamic dns ( for the link from IFTT to openhab.

If you could describe at least your IFTTT applet and how it refers to the rest interface I might be able to work out the remainder. Or, as much info on how you have done it will help of course. I have seen an article written on how to set up the reverse proxy so I can probably get that part done, but anything you can provide would be appreciated, thanks.


So this is a little off topic, but I’ve been searching and come up blank. Can google home be used for general text to speech? ie, somehow send it some text and have it say it?

If nothing so simple exists, would there be a way to get openhab to use google home to make announements? say if one of my timed rules is executed, google home would announce it?

I am doing exactly that:

say("Hello world", "voicerss:enGB", "chromecast:audio:myGoogleHome")

Where the first argument is the phrase you want to say
Second argument is the language you want to use (I am using British English)
Third argument is the name of your google home Thing as is known to your Chromecast binding

Note: you must have ‘VoiceRSS Text-to-speech’ installed.
Paper UI -> Add-ons -> Voice -> VoiceRSS Text-to-Speech

It does play an announcement chime before it says the phrase and there is a bit of a delay but it works pretty well and is a lot of fun :slight_smile:

Thanks for that, I’ll check out Chromecast first, I’m not using that yet.


With the gRPC based Google Assistant, all I do is send a command via REST through python, which internally just sends this command (via text API) to Google Assistant: “repeat after me < whatever I want it to say >”. No chime since it’s thinking it’s actually from someone saying the command verbally. I might post a video sometime

When you say “text API” are you referring to the public API.AI, or the “undocumented” hidden local api?

@luckymallari Please tell us more - do you have any links to docs, code samples, anything?
(We are getting pretty off topic here so a new thread would probably be a good idea)

Yes, maybe a thread for google home with IFTTT?

There is already a thread how to use google home and IFTTT:


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Hello Marzima,

I have been following this thread and it all sound great. Is there any chance we know when google will have this available to all a normal home control -> add device.

Well done this far and a big thank you to all in the community for helping.


Hi All,

great news! Google is currently testing it and if all goes well, we might have this week the official openHAB Action iunder Home Control of Google Assistant app.

I am doing a new deployment and looking forward to get it out asap. Thanks for being patient.

Google finally reacted and speeded things up the last days.

Fingers crossed!
Going to let you know these days and hope you get your long awaited suprise.

BR Mehmet


That’s awesome! Thank you for letting us know.

Awesome News!

Thank you for all your work, Mehmet!

Nice work @MARZIMA

That’s great news, thanks for updating us.
Looking forward to the announcement soon!

Thanks for the update ! Thanks a lot again :slight_smile:

All comes to he who waits. Thanks for your work on this Marzima. I’ve
resisted the urge to set up my own server etc and have patiently waited for
the official solution. Fingers crossed we don’t have long to wait and
they’re quick to reassess any minor glitches.