Google Home routines error

Hi, I’ve created some routines on Google home (in Italian language), but when I activate them, the device is correctly turned on or off but home replays with “sorry, I can’t contact…”, if I simply ask to Google to turn on something without a routine it works correctly… why this happens? Thanks!

well… this is purely a Google Home question… did you try searching their forums?

Uhm… I’ve googled but I’ve found only some results with openhab, maybe it’s caused by the Italian language?

does it work in English?
I don’t know… I haven’t used Google Home/Assistant Routines yet in another lang than EN

I’ve just changed the assistant language (not the app only the voice) and it does the same thing, it turns on or off the things but says “sorry I can’t reach n devices now”

The issue is here :

It looks like an unofficial fix has been posted in the linked GitHub thread. Any chance this change can be pushed to official any time soon? I really don’t want to redo my setup and it would make openhab more user friendly for new users.