GPSTracker with Life360, OwnTracks and GPSLogger integration

I couldn’t find the “Share” option under regions settings. Am I using the correct version of the app?

Press the three dots in the upper right corner…

@gbicskei I just wanted to say thank you. I set this up in 10 minutes with the GPSLogger on my android. It’s very simple and straightforward and the instructions are very clear.
This is really appreciated.

It remains to be seen how well it works in practise but it is very promising

Thanks, but thats the first thing I tried. It only have “Publish Waypoints” option which just sent waypoint information one time. Tried all the options in the Pan Cake menu, but no luck.


Many thanks for this binding!

Unfortunately I have an issue with it: regionTrigger does not fire.
In the log I see a NullpointerException:

2019-02-22 01:20:16.300 [TRACE] [cker.internal.handler.TrackerHandler] - Triggering home for BK/home/enter
2019-02-22 01:20:16.346 [ERROR] [] - Dispatching/filtering event for subscriber ‘’ failed: null
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at java.lang.String.startsWith( ~[?:?]
at java.lang.String.startsWith( ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.binding.gpstracker.internal.profile.GPSTrackerTriggerSwitchProfile.onTriggerFromHandler( ~[?:?]
at org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.internal.CommunicationManager.lambda$9( ~[?:?]
at org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.internal.CommunicationManager.lambda$13( ~[?:?]
at$ForEachOp$OfRef.accept( [?:?]
at$2$1.accept( [?:?]
at java.util.Spliterators$ArraySpliterator.forEachRemaining( [?:?]
at$Head.forEach( [?:?]
at$7$1.accept( [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$ValueSpliterator.forEachRemaining( [?:?]
at [?:?]
at [?:?]
at$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential( [?:?]
at$ForEachOp$OfRef.evaluateSequential( [?:?]
at [?:?]

My binding in paperui looks like this:

switch is configured as:
Switch GPSTracker_krisz_home “Krisz is at home” {channel=“gpstracker:tracker:e9fa6ed4:regionTrigger” [profile=“gpstracker:trigger-geofence”, regionName=“home”]}

Does somebody have any clue what’s going on?

Ok, I am trying to guess the URL to be used in GPSLogger with authentication to myopenhab.

It is not mentioned in README if or has to be used.
Username is an email address. So I guess the @ character has to be escaped to %40 ? Could it be mentioned in the README.

Here is what I get when using the URL https://<username>:<password> in my browser:

Cannot GET /gpstracker/gpslogger

Here is what I get when using the URL https://<username>:<password> in my browser:

Problem accessing /gpstracker/gpslogger. Reason:
    La méthode HTTP GET n''est pas supportée par cette URL

Does it mean the authentication through the URL is working ?
And which of the two domains should I use ?


Do you use the app from store? It’s the old one. Use the APK from here:

I’m still waiting for the new version in the store and if the binding maintainer then upgrades the readme. If not, I will do.

Thank you for your answer. I will try with the APK version.

Hi all, quick question:
Is it normal that the “Presence Switch” changes to ON as soon as I enter my home region but then immediately goes back do OFF?


Typically this is a result of the precision of the gps. Somethimes your position jumps around.

For information: mendhak provided the new version (100) in the android store. It’s now possible to use GPSTracker with GPSLogger via MyOpenHAB without sideload of the apk.


Tried the presence detection thread but it seems it might be a owntracks issue so trying here too!

I’ve set up some items and rules as per the Generic PResence detectino example, modified them slightly to include a second person, but all still in the gPresent group.

Both my and my wife have owntracks on mobile and both have a region set to home, which when there is movement in or out of a region passes back on or off to my dummy item, (Presence_GP/EP_Home in the image below), so that it triggers the rule…everything perfect here, the logs show the logic working, and vPresent is set to off, (ie no one home), only if both of us are out…SUPERB…

Now for the issue,

Every morning I wake up and check the presence items, (I’m testing it for a while to make sure it’s rock solid before I apply logic to the home / away state), and it seems that sometime every night all the variables are setting themselves back to OFF for no logical reason - that I can see anyway!

Two instances from the logs.



Different times, but same result…it’s almost like the system is deciding to dump the variables and turn everything off.

The problem is that I now have to spend a day going in and out of region on OneTracks to reset them all properly so it’s up to date…do that and then sometime during the night I’m back to square one…

Any ideas anyone?

Got some time to play around and finally found the reason why my region triggers were not firing. I haven’t had my Region Trigger channel linked to an item. You can do this in Paper UI under Configurations -> Things -> Region Trigger

I have been able to get this to work by defining the state trigger, per this thread. But, I am curious why the following does not seem to work. Any ideas? I am trying to improve my understanding of OpenHab.

rule “Mikes iPhone Xr Enters Home”
Channel “gpstracker:tracker:MP:regionTrigger” triggered “Home/enter”

What is the recommended binding version?
The one that comes default with OH 2.4 or the version or the URL mentioned above ?

I’m planning to extend the gpstracker binding to support Life360 application. It would be great if you could help me with testing. Let me know pls if someone’s interested.

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@gbicskei I’m an OpenHAB/Life360 user so integration between the two would be great. I’m currently trying out your binding and using OwnTracks - but finding OT not as accurate as Life360 in general.

Also, if it helps anyone wanting to see what else Life360 gives back from the API, I created a Postman collection of all the endpoints that I could find.


I don’t think the Life360 is more accurate. If you play a bit with advanced settings in OT (locator displacement, interval, inaccurate locations) you can make the OT very!!! accurate and reliable.

In the meantime I’ve implemented a test version of Life360 integration using the same API you’ve mentioned. I can send you the binary it you would like to test it. My general conclusion is that the location provided by this API is delayed with 1-2 minutes compared to the real location. E.g. I’ve set up some automation when a family member is arriving home. With this delay I had to turn it off because the alarm was not disarmed automatically - I had to do it manually…