Group item (location) showing garagedoor is open or closed


I started with playing with the main ui.
The garage displays the temperature of a motion sensor
I would also like to display whether the garagedoor is open or closed.
Is there any way to do this. I’m a complete newbie to this. I wanne show the status in of the garagedoor in the “header”

What semantic tags did you give to the sensor Item? Note that it will only show the icon when the door is open.

This is how i configured the item

Group lBenedenverdieping "Benedenverdieping" <groundfloor>  ["GroundFloor"]
Group lGarage "Garage"  (lBenedenverdieping) ["Garage"]
Group  eContactsensorGarage        "Contactsensor Garagepoort"          <none> (lGarage) ["Sensor"]
Contact SensorContactGaragepoortStatus   "Status"	<garagedoor> (eContactsensorGarage) ["Measurement","Opening"]   { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:zigbeeSensorContactGaragePoort:contactStatus" }

You’ve not given it a tag to tell the model that it’s an Item that indicates the open/closed state of a garage door.

Use “Door” or “GarageDoor” as the Equipment tag and the Contact Item is probably OK. Though I’ve used “OpenState” as the Point tag for my garage doors.

Thanks a lot, this did the trick