Group state item selection or custom aggregation function

Hi All,

I have some LED RGBWC panel light with Tasmota firmware configured as group item:

Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) lp_ufficio_2 "Pannello Led ufficio 2" <light> (L71B_ufficio) ["Switch","Light"]
Switch lp_ufficio_2_p "Pannello Led Ufficio 2 Power" (lp_ufficio_2) {channel="mqtt:topic:lp_ufficio_2:lcu2_power"}
Dimmer lp_ufficio_2_d "Pannello Led Ufficio 2 Dimmer" (lp_ufficio_2) {channel="mqtt:topic:lp_ufficio_2:lcu2_dim"}
Dimmer lp_ufficio_2_ct "Pannello Led Ufficio 2 CT" (lp_ufficio_2) {channel="mqtt:topic:lp_ufficio_2:lcu2_ct"}
Color lp_ufficio_2_hsb "Pannello Led Ufficio 2 Colore" (lp_ufficio_2) {channel="mqtt:topic:lp_ufficio_2:lcu2_hsb"}

My problem is that state of group (ON or OFF) depend by only 2 items in group: Switch(the main power) and first dimmer (the dimmer). The second dimmer control CT white channel (cold or warm) and the color control RGB channel.

My problem is that I’m not able to find correct aggregation function to determinate correct group state.
If I use OR when lamp is OFF, by main power switch, but dimmer is not to 0% group state is ON. If I use AND when CT dimmer is set to 0% (cold white) group state is OFF also if lamp is actually ON.

There is a way to select only some items in order to determinate group status or, alternatively, a way to write custom aggregation function?

Thanks a lot in advance.

No, the aggregation function is going to aggregate using all it’s members. To exclude an Item from aggregation, remove it as a member of the Group.

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Ok. Thanks.

I used group because is nice that in location card all control are grouped under a modal.

There is a way to group item like that using different item group?
I guess that I’ve to do that in a custom page.

Thanks again.

That’s the point of the semantic model. To Group all the Items that represent a given physical device together. But in the model it almost never makes sense to give the Equipment an aggregation function. Each Item that is a member of an Equipment represents something different.

But, you can have as many non-semantically tagged Groups as you want. These functional Groups just can’t be in the semantic model.

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Ok, I got the point.

I have to start learning about non-semantic groups, I haven’t used them yet.

Thanks again for your time.