Growatt Binding openhabian

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: Rpi
    • OS: Openhabian
    • openHAB version: 4.2.2


I have som trouble configuring the growatt binding. I feel i am close but i guess some settings in grott.ini might be wrong or use wrong ip adress in the file.

I am wondering if someone could possibly helo me on teamviewer or something. i would gladly pay up tp 200 eur for some ssistence to get this to work.

I have set up openhabian to control and monitor the KNX system here. but the growatt binding was not so easy to figure out.

Please let me know if more information is needed

Please post the following:

  • Thing configuration for the Growatt binding
  • Thing configuration for the Growatt inverter
  • Model number of the inverter
  • Location and state of the Grott Python service
  • Contents of grott.ini file

Hello Andrew :slight_smile:

Fairly new to this so bear with me.
I have added screenshots of the growatt bridge bidning and the growatt inverter binding. hope this is what you want

Model number/name of inverter: MAX 125KTL3-X LV


openhabian@openhabian:~/grott $ # Specify grott monitor configuration

Defaults are described cat grott.ini

                            # Specify grott monitor configuration

Defaults are described cat grott.ini

                            # Specify grott monitor configuration

Defaults are described

Remove # and update the value to enable the setting

Last updated: 2022-11-04

Version 2.7.0


Specify verbose for extended messaging

#verbose = True

Specify minrecl for debugging purposes only (default = 100)

#minrecl = 100

Specify mode (sniff or proxy)(> 2.1.0 proxy is default)

#mode = proxy

Specify port and IP address to listen to (only proxy), default port 5279, 0.0. 0.0 ==> own ip address

ip =
port = 5279

To blocks commands from outside (to channge inverter and shine devices setting s) specify blockcmd = True,

specify noipf = True if you still want be able to dest ip addres from growatt server

Specify noipf = True if you still want be able to dest ip addres from growatt server (advice only to use

this for a short time)

#blockcmd = True
#noipf = True

Time = auto/server parameter enable/disable date/time retrieval from data reco rd (server), default is

auto: grott decides which time is used (data record if valid otherwise Server)

If time = server Grott server time is alwas used

time = auto

Sendbuf = True / False parameter to enable / disable sending historical (buff ered) data. Default is sendbuf = True.

#sendbuf = True

Compat is True and valoffset needs to be set if offset / growatt protocol has been changed.

#compat = False
#valueoffset = 6

Specify inverter id (not necessary in version >2.1.0 if compat = false!)

#inverterid = ABC1234567

Specify the type of the inverter (default/sph/spf/max)

#invtype = max

Decrypt is False if growatt communication is not encrypted (older inverters), (not necessary in version

>2.1.0 if compat = false!)

decrypt = True


Server name/IP address and port of Growatt server

specify only if the IP address of is changed

The address as of Nov 2022 is

ip =
extvar = {“url”: “”}l be done!!!

When it comes to location and state of grott pyhton service i’m hoping this is what you need:

openhabian@openhabian:~/grott $ sudo systemctl status grott
● grott.service - Grott Growatt monitor
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/grott.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2025-01-20 09:03:00 CET; 11min ago
Main PID: 655 (python3)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4514)
CPU: 1.009s
CGroup: /system.slice/grott.service
└─655 /usr/bin/python3 -u /home/openhabian/grott/ -v

Growatt inverter have a wifi dongle witch is connected to a router located nerby. Where is cable from thes router down to a switch witch i am connected to with my computer.

Instead of screenshots could you please post text?

  • the text of your Grott.ini file
  • the text of your thing configuration for the binding
  • the text of your thing configuration for the inverter

For the latter two go to the thing UI code tab.

Hello :slight_smile:

Hopefulle this is the text you are thinking of ?

Made a google doc also in case that is more easy to use ?


Specify grott monitor configuration

Defaults are described

Remove # and update the value to enable the setting

Last updated: 2022-11-04

Version 2.7.0


Specify verbose for extended messaging

#verbose = True

Specify minrecl for debugging purposes only (default = 100)

#minrecl = 100

Specify mode (sniff or proxy)(> 2.1.0 proxy is default)

#mode = proxy

Specify port and IP address to listen to (only proxy), default port 5279, ==> own ip addres s

ip =
port = 5279

To blocks commands from outside (to channge inverter and shine devices settings) specify blockcmd = True,

specify noipf = True if you still want be able to dest ip addres from growatt server

Specify noipf = True if you still want be able to dest ip addres from growatt server (advice only t o use

this for a short time)

#blockcmd = True
#noipf = True

Time = auto/server parameter enable/disable date/time retrieval from data record (server), default is

auto: grott decides which time is used (data record if valid otherwise Server)

If time = server Grott server time is alwas used

time = auto

Sendbuf = True / False parameter to enable / disable sending historical (buffered) data. Default i s sendbuf = True.

#sendbuf = True

Compat is True and valoffset needs to be set if offset / growatt protocol has been changed.

#compat = False
#valueoffset = 6

Specify inverter id (not necessary in version >2.1.0 if compat = false!)

#inverterid = ABC1234567

Specify the type of the inverter (default/sph/spf/max)

#invtype = max

Decrypt is False if growatt communication is not encrypted (older inverters), (not necessary in ver sion

>2.1.0 if compat = false!)

decrypt = True


Server name/IP address and port of Growatt server

specify only if the IP address of is changed

The address as of Nov 2022 is

ip =
ip =
port = 5279


Mqtt parameters definitions

Be aware nomqtt = True means no MQTT processing will be done!!!

#nomqtt = False
ip = localhost
port = 1883
#topic= energy/growatt
#auth = true
user = grott
password = growatt2020


PVOutput parameters definitions

pvoutput = false
#apikey = yourapikey

Data upload limit (in minutes)

#pvuplimit = 5

Use this if you have one inverter

#systemid = 12345

Use this if you have multiple inverters

#pvinverters = 2
#systemid1 = 12345
#inverterid1 = inverter1
#systemid2 = 67890
#inverterid2 = inverter2

#systemid99 = 99999
#inverterid99 = inverter99


Influxdb parameters definitions

influx = False
#influx2 = False
#dbname = grottdb
ip = localhost
port = 8086
user = grott
password = growatt2020
token = “influx_token”
#org = “grottorg”
#bucket = “grottdb”


grott extension parameters definitions

extension = True
#extname = grottext
extvar = {“url”: “”}


UID: growatt:bridge:growatt
label: Growatt Bridge
thingTypeUID: growatt:bridge
configuration: {}


UID: growatt:inverter:growatt:614b289286
label: Growatt Inverter
thingTypeUID: growatt:inverter
deviceId: FYL7CL901V
bridgeUID: growatt:bridge:growatt

  • id: system-status
    channelTypeUID: growatt:system-status-code
    label: Inverter Status
    description: Status code of the inverter.
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv-power
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-power
    label: Solar Input Power
    description: Power from solar panels.
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv1-voltage
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-voltage
    label: “String #1 Voltage”
    description: “Voltage from solar panel string #1.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv2-voltage
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-voltage
    label: “String #2 Voltage”
    description: “Voltage from solar panel string #2.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv1-current
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-current
    label: “String #1 Current”
    description: “Current from solar panel string #1.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv2-current
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-current
    label: “String #2 Current”
    description: “Current from solar panel string #2.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv1-power
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-power
    label: “String #1 Power”
    description: “Power from solar panel string #1.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv2-power
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-power
    label: “String #2 Power”
    description: “Power from solar panel string #2.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: grid-frequency
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-frequency
    label: Grid Frequency
    description: Frequency of the grid.
    configuration: {}
  • id: grid-voltage-r
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-voltage
    label: Grid Voltage (#R)
    description: “Voltage of the grid (phase #R).”
    configuration: {}
  • id: grid-voltage-s
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-voltage
    label: “Grid Voltage #S
    description: “Voltage of the grid phase #S.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: grid-voltage-t
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-voltage
    label: “Grid Voltage #T
    description: “Voltage of the grid phase #T.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: grid-voltage-rs
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-voltage
    label: “Grid Voltage #RS
    description: “Voltage of the grid phases #RS.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: grid-voltage-st
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-voltage
    label: “Grid Voltage #ST
    description: “Voltage of the grid phases #ST.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: grid-voltage-tr
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-voltage
    label: “Grid Voltage #TR
    description: “Voltage of the grid phases #TR.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: inverter-current-r
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-current
    label: Inverter Current (#R)
    description: “AC current from inverter (phase #R).”
    configuration: {}
  • id: inverter-current-s
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-current
    label: “Inverter Current #S
    description: “AC current from inverter phase #S.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: inverter-current-t
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-current
    label: “Inverter Current #T
    description: “AC current from inverter phase #T.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: inverter-power
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-power
    label: Inverter Power
    description: AC power the inverter (total).
    configuration: {}
  • id: inverter-power-r
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-power
    label: Inverter Power (#R)
    description: “AC power from inverter (phase #R).”
    configuration: {}
  • id: inverter-power-s
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-power
    label: “Inverter Power #S
    description: “AC power from inverter phase #S.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: inverter-power-t
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-power
    label: “Inverter Power #T
    description: “AC power from inverter phase #T.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: inverter-va
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-va
    label: Inverter VA
    description: AC VA produced by inverter.
    configuration: {}
  • id: charge-power
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-power
    label: Charge Power
    description: Charge power to battery.
    configuration: {}
  • id: charge-current
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-current
    label: Charge Current
    description: Charge current to battery.
    configuration: {}
  • id: discharge-power
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-power
    label: Discharge Power
    description: Discharge power from battery.
    configuration: {}
  • id: discharge-va
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-va
    label: Discharge VA
    description: Discharge VA from battery.
    configuration: {}
  • id: export-power
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-power
    label: Export Power
    description: Power exported to grid.
    configuration: {}
  • id: export-power-r
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-power
    label: “Export Power #R
    description: “Power exported to grid phase #R.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: export-power-s
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-power
    label: “Export Power #S
    description: “Power exported to grid phase #S.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: export-power-t
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-power
    label: “Export Power #T
    description: “Power exported to grid phase #T.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: import-power
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-power
    label: Import Power
    description: Power imported.
    configuration: {}
  • id: import-power-r
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-power
    label: “Import Power #R
    description: “Power imported phase #R.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: import-power-s
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-power
    label: “Import Power #S
    description: “Power imported phase #S.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: import-power-t
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-power
    label: “Import Power #T
    description: “Power imported phase #T.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: load-power
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-power
    label: Load Power
    description: Power supplied to load.
    configuration: {}
  • id: load-power-r
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-power
    label: “Load Power #R
    description: “Power supplied to load phase #R.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: load-power-s
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-power
    label: “Load Power #S
    description: “Power supplied to load phase #S.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: load-power-t
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-power
    label: “Load Power #T
    description: “Power supplied to load phase #T.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: inverter-energy-today
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Inverter Energy Today
    description: Inverter output energy produced today.
    configuration: {}
  • id: inverter-energy-total
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Inverter Energy Total
    description: Total inverter output energy produced.
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv-energy-today
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: DC Energy Today
    description: Solar DC energy collected.
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv1-energy-today
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-energy
    label: “DC Energy #1 Today”
    description: “Solar DC energy collected by string #1 to grid today.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv2-energy-today
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-energy
    label: “DC Energy #2 Today”
    description: “Solar DC energy collected by string #2 to grid today.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv-energy-total
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: DC Energy Total
    description: Total solar energy supplied to grid.
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv1-energy-total
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-energy
    label: “DC Energy #1 Total”
    description: “Total solar DC collected by string #1.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv2-energy-total
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-energy
    label: “DC Energy #2 Total”
    description: “Total solar DC collected by string #2.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: export-energy-today
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Export Energy Today
    description: Energy exported to grid today.
    configuration: {}
  • id: export-energy-total
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Export Energy Total
    description: Total energy exported to grid.
    configuration: {}
  • id: import-energy-today
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Import Energy Today
    description: Energy imported from grid today.
    configuration: {}
  • id: import-energy-total
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Import Energy Total
    description: Total energy imported from grid.
    configuration: {}
  • id: load-energy-today
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Load Energy Today
    description: Energy supplied to load today.
    configuration: {}
  • id: load-energy-total
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Load Energy Total
    description: Total energy supplied to load.
    configuration: {}
  • id: import-charge-energy-today
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Battery Import Energy Today
    description: Energy imported from grid to charge battery today.
    configuration: {}
  • id: import-charge-energy-total
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Battery Import Energy Totals
    description: Total energy imported from grid to charge battery.
    configuration: {}
  • id: inverter-charge-energy-today
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Battery Inverter Energy Today
    description: Energy from inverter to charge battery today.
    configuration: {}
  • id: inverter-charge-energy-total
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Battery Inverter Energy Total
    description: Total energy from inverter to charge battery.
    configuration: {}
  • id: discharge-energy-today
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Battery Energy Today
    description: Energy consumed from battery today.
    configuration: {}
  • id: discharge-energy-total
    channelTypeUID: system:electric-energy
    label: Battery Energy Total
    description: Total energy consumed from battery.
    configuration: {}
  • id: total-work-time
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-work-time
    label: Total Working Time
    description: Total inverter working time.
    configuration: {}
  • id: p-bus-voltage
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-voltage
    label: P Bus Voltage
    description: P Bus voltage.
    configuration: {}
  • id: n-bus-voltage
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-voltage
    label: N Bus Voltage
    description: N Bus voltage.
    configuration: {}
  • id: sp-bus-voltage
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-voltage
    label: SP Bus Voltage
    description: SP Bus voltage.
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv-temperature
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-outdoor-temperature
    label: Solar Panel Temperature
    description: “Temperature of the solar panels (string #1).”
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv-ipm-temperature
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-outdoor-temperature
    label: Solar IPM Temperature
    description: Temperature of the IPM.
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv-boost-temperature
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-outdoor-temperature
    label: Boost Temperature
    description: Boost temperature.
    configuration: {}
  • id: temperature-4
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-outdoor-temperature
    label: “Temperature #4
    description: “Temperature #4.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: pv2-temperature
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-outdoor-temperature
    label: “Solar Panel Temperature #2
    description: “Temperature of the solar panels (string #2).”
    configuration: {}
  • id: battery-type
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-status-code
    label: Battery Type
    description: Type code of the battery.
    configuration: {}
  • id: battery-temperature
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-outdoor-temperature
    label: Battery Temperature
    description: Battery temperature.
    configuration: {}
  • id: battery-voltage
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-voltage
    label: Battery Voltage
    description: Battery voltage.
    configuration: {}
  • id: battery-display
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-voltage
    label: Battery Display
    description: Battery display voltage.
    configuration: {}
  • id: battery-soc
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-percent
    label: Battery Charge
    description: Battery state of charge.
    configuration: {}
  • id: system-fault-0
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-fault-code
    label: “Fault Code #0
    description: “System fault code #0.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: system-fault-1
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-fault-code
    label: “Fault Code #1
    description: “System fault code #1.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: system-fault-2
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-fault-code
    label: “Fault Code #2
    description: “System fault code #2.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: system-fault-3
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-fault-code
    label: “Fault Code #3
    description: “System fault code #3.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: system-fault-4
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-fault-code
    label: “Fault Code #4
    description: “System fault code #4.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: system-fault-5
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-fault-code
    label: “Fault Code #5
    description: “System fault code #5.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: system-fault-6
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-fault-code
    label: “Fault Code #6
    description: “System fault code #6.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: system-fault-7
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-fault-code
    label: “Fault Code #7
    description: “System fault code #7.”
    configuration: {}
  • id: system-work-mode
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-status-code
    label: System Work Mode
    description: System work mode code.
    configuration: {}
  • id: sp-display-status
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-status-code
    label: Solar Panel Display
    description: Solar panel display status code.
    configuration: {}
  • id: constant-power-ok
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-status-code
    label: Constant Power OK
    description: Constant power OK code.
    configuration: {}
  • id: load-percent
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-percent
    label: Load Percent
    description: Percent of full load.
    configuration: {}
  • id: rac
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-var
    label: Reactive Power
    description: Reactive power output.
    configuration: {}
  • id: erac-today
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-kvarh
    label: Reactive Energy Today
    description: Reactive energy supplied today.
    configuration: {}
  • id: erac-total
    channelTypeUID: growatt:advanced-electric-kvarh
    label: Total Reactive Energy
    description: Total reactive energy supplied.
    configuration: {}

Why are you posting such large text?

To post code please enclose it in code braces ``` at start and end.

Inside the Grott.ini file it says “# Remove # and update the value to enable the setting” and as far as I can see you have not removed any # marks so you don’t have any settings…