Habmin2 log viewer


I would like to know how to configure the zwave log viewer included in habmin2.

Please, can you explain?


There is nothing to configure - you just load a logfile and it displays it…

Then, this option only works when running the browser and OH2 on the same machine., doesn’t it?

Why not being able to manage also remote files? I’m running OH2 on a raspberry and then I have to download first the file to my system.

This is a log viewer application. So, it doesn’t run on the raspberry (or whatever) it runs on your computer when you load HABmin. You then use this app to view any log file. I use it to view logs that people send me.

So, you can of course view remote files.

How long does it normally take to load a log file that is on a remote system?

My setup:
OH2 running on a virtual machine running a Samba Share of the logs.
New Appender to put all org.openhab.bindings.zwave into the zwave.log folder
Karaf logging on zwave at debug level.
Mounted remote logs dir on windows laptop over wifi
attempt to load to zwave.log folder via the mounted share and Chrome running Habmin


As just mentioned elsewhere, use the online version here. Running under AngularJS (as HABmin does) is REALLY slow with larger logs - the above version doesn’t have this limitation and is much faster ever on quite large logs (I think I’ve loaded 30+MB files - certainly 10MB files should have no problem - at least on my machine).

Perfect! This works very well. Thanks again!