HABPanel - Yet another implementation of a no-frills dashboard

Apparently Safari on iOS doesn’t support the fullscreen API: http://caniuse.com/#feat=fullscreen

However I just found this: https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariHTMLRef/Articles/MetaTags.html and added the <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> tag to the main html file - let me know if it works :slight_smile:

Perfect. Worked like a charm.

Now the only thing would be OH2 compatibility :slight_smile: just kidding. It’s great work and much easier to install for the end user than some other panel layout UI. Keep up the good work.

Turns out I’m now running openHAB 2, this was way easier than I expected :slight_smile:

The REST API is almost compatible with OH1, I made a small fix (you can pull it right now) so it’s compatible with both versions, and also dropped Atmosphere and server push updates altogether until I figure out SSE and a better solution for OH1.

For now you still have to copy or clone the GitHub repo into your static files folder, which is conf/html in openHAB 2 (you should find a ‘Hello World!’ index.html file already in there).


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WOW. that was quick. I’ll try it out when I get home.

Great job! I install it and it runs very well. I like it and interested how it will go on …

When i switch light on at HABPanel the classic sitemap didn’t recognize it - but switch the light on at the sidemap will shown immediately in HABPanel. How can i recognize changes in HABPanel on my sitemap(s)? Thanks.

Hey ysc
I don’t have many Things setup yet so I am unable to get to test it to the extent that others may.

I can confirm that on an OH2 setup running the most recent beta it works well! Yeah!

I’ve got some setting up to do.

Other than bring it fully up to speed with some of the suggestions that Kai made, what sort of additions are you or have you considered?

I love the simplicity in setup and config of HABpanel, but, I’m also attracted to the widgets and icon styles of the dashing adaptation by smar. Would be thinking of adding more widgets and options are time goes on?

It would probably be very easy to add font awesome icons to this.

Wow, seriously impressive work, well done.

I was up and running in minutes, one git clone to install and an intuitive interface to build the dashboards.

Pat yourself on the back… oh here, let me :clap: :clap: :clap:

I’m not convinced by the approach of designing complex widgets with info from multiple items (showing extensive weather info, temperature with humidity, etc.), everyone will have their own ideas and it would be a mess to manage. I believe everything should be implemented with a limited set of simple widgets, like the sitemaps.

A color picker, up/down button for roller shutters and hyperlinks between dashboards will be added eventually though.
Icons are definitely a must too, I’m still reviewing how do do it and which icon sets to include; FontAwesome is a good candidate even if it’s a little “generic” and will be missing a lot of icons you might want in a smart home dashboard.

First of all, very impressive :slight_smile: Good Work.
I would like to show some graphs, for example last week RH%. Its quite simple with sitemap, is it possible with Habpanel?

This is outstanding!
Even better - it’s opensource! Are you using any kind of task runner like Gulp?
It would be beneficial for further contributing (I’m interested! :))

Keep up the great work.

First of all very impressive work - tried it with OH1.8.3 and worked out of the box.

Im looking forward to this project growing.
In my opinion it is just one thing OH is missing - i like the look of the OH2 Basic view, but nevertheless a easy to install, dedicated gui for tablet user is very much appreciated.

Found some things which arent optimized for my personal use like max width, but need to dable a little bit more with this project.

No idea, it the lights switches on or off it means openHAB received the command, so it’s probably not a HABpanel-related problem. I have had some problems with the hue binding in OH2 too, namely getting feedback from switches mapped to a color channel; I think there are a few open issues on GitHub about it already.

I planned on using bower and gulp from the beginning but no, right now it’s still in a “quick & dirty hack” shape :slight_smile:
Contributions are very much welcome!

Really nice work because it is so flexible.
I agree with Kai that it would be nice to share a layout to the server :slight_smile:

One bug with sliders: if I move it to 0, the item receives command ‘’ (empty string) and not a 0. Or Is it only me?

It’s not just you. I fixed it. Thanks for pointing this out.

I just started using HABpanel and am really impressed with the simplicitiy of usage and the nice clean UI.
However, when I add a switch, using iOS , I noticed that the dropdown for selecting the OpenHAB item actually selects the next item in the list. Upon selecting an item again, it is then correctly selected.

Fantastic job, well done!

This is fantastic! Is it too early to for a “share your HABPanel setup!” type posts? Because I would love to see what everyone else has going on.

Sure, why not:

As you see I’ve got basic backdrop icon support in progress, and I made an alternative style for the slider for thermostats etc.

(By the way, if you watch the Mr. Robot series, you’re right if you think it’s a ripoff of the gorgeous thermostat slider seen in the season premiere a few weeks ago :stuck_out_tongue: I actually started working on this project after watching this episode.)

Icons are difficult to get right, that’s why it’s not pushed to GitHub already (hang on a bit). I’d like to use openHAB 2’s icon set support whenever possible, but still have a fallback solution for retro-compatibility with OH1. I’ll probably end up adding a few built-in icon sets, mainly for backdrops. The icon picker in the settings dialogs is still a bit rough too.

As for more important stuff: server-side storage - I haven’t made up my mind on a generic way of doing this yet, but I like the UIMap solution in the Eclipse SmartHome thread linked above by Kai for openHAB 2 . I’ll try to come up with practical suggestions and feedback in the next few days.