HABPanel - Yet another implementation of a no-frills dashboard

@marcolino7 never seen a 500 there…? Go to the Network tab in the developer tools, look for the failed call (should be a red “config” line), click on it and then on the Response tab - there should be an error message.

Hi @ysc
Done all steps, i have one red “config” line, status is 500, type il xhr, Initiator is vendor.js:103
Response Tab in empty, there is wrote “This request has no response data available”
In the Headers Tab, I have this:

I hope this can help you to help me.


Very strange, I’m lost here… Nothing in the openHAB logs on the server?

Hi @ysc,
which subsytem i have to filter for the logs?


@ysc that’s helpful, thanks!

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No idea… Maybe move this discussion to a more general openHAB 2 category since this is likely a problem with your installation, not with HABPanel.
You should at least be able to go to Paper UI, Configuration > Services > Configure HABPanel and Save and it should work.

One more thing you can try:
Assuming you have the REST API documentation site installed, go to http://yourip:port/doc/index.html#!/services/getConfiguration
put org.openhab.ui.habpanel as serviceId, hit “try it out!” , backup the results just in case then go to
and paste the response body in the body text area. You’ll probably have your 500 error, hopefully with more details.

hi @ysc,
running getConfiguration, I got Empty Response and 500 Internal Server Error, just reading config.
Here is a screenshoot:

It is correct that Response is completly empty even if there is nothing saved?


Hi @ysc
I installed a new OpenHab box and installed a fresh copy of HabPanel. It obviously works fine.
I saved the configuration and retrieved it.
I paste the configuration from new box, to old box, into suggested page. This is the results:

I also tried from Paper UI->Configuration->Services when I save I got 500 Server Error.

I Opened a dedicate topic here:



I’ve installed openhab 2 beta 4 and wanted to install the habpanel too.
But I cannot see it in paperUI under extansions. I’ve checked the configuration to use experimental addons but nothing :frowning:
Am I doing something wrong?


Try the latest snapshot and it will work (beta 4 is far too old):


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With this advice I was able to instal habpanel. But nothing is working anymore. PaperUi has all the time jersy not ready yet errors and habmin is telling me openhab is ofline.
maybe the latest snapshot is the problem?

Yes and … no.
There have been several breaking changes the last weeks, for example the database storage has changed.
Read this category and adapt your system as required:


I am trying to use d3js in the custom widget but it seems javascript code can not be evaluated. Are there anyone I can put javascript in the template or widget code?

Sorry if this was answered before but I couldn’t find it: is it possible to amend the basic styles?
I would like to change the h1, h2, h3 styles for instance and assume this is set somewhere in a css file. But I can’t find where.


@ysc Great work. I like Habpanel a lot. I plan to replace my Rotini dashboard on my tablet with it.

But. Somehow I do not found an option to select the local settings habpanel is using. If I for instance create a clock widget with a format string like “EEEE dd.MM.yyyy” the day of the weeks is always in English. I know AngularJS is supporting this, but how do I configure this in habpanel?

My openhab location settings are set to de_DE.

Thanks a lot

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I’m in trouble to find a scale which is suitable for a Windows PC and a smartphone. It looks like HABPanel is not using the device dpi in it’s calculation to draw the widgets at the same size on different devices. Any suggestions beside from making two designs by hand? :wink:

EDIT: Found this post, related to my qeustion: Examples of HABPanel Solutions

Is there a way to export or save the dashboard configs to a file?

This would be interesting for me too.

And how can i change the location where a dashpanel is saved?

I want to save it server side. So i can use the same panel for every device of my familiy.

Is the configuration part of the official docs not working?


It can however store all its configuration (called panel configurations, including sets of dashboards, custom widgets definitions, and other settings) on the server as openHAB 2 service configuration variables.

You can access this server-side configuration in Paper UI, Configuration > Services > UI > HABPanel. From there, you can also lock down the embedded editing features globally to prevent accidental changes by end users. You can also specify the name of a known panel configuration to load immediately when starting to configure a brand new HABPanel instance; otherwise, the local browser’s storage will be used only until you save a new panel configuration as detailed below.

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But this is not working for me…

I already made a habpanel with chrome browser and saved it server side with the name “Home Test 1”.
I also entered exactly this name to the Paper UI and saved it there --> “Home Test 1” without “”

After this i opened a new browser (firefox or IE11). There i used habpanel never before.

But the dashboard is empty. No chance to load the server saved “Home Test 1” Panel.


Did i do something wrong?