HABPanelViewer 0.9.27

Yep. Looks like I used the wrong reply button.

Edit: I used the correct reply button, but the post is not shown as reply to your post. I don’t know why, as soon as I edit my post, I can see that it is a reply.


The app is still connected and I see the value of my items updated also in the HPV. However as I said, in the event.log file after a while (one day or more ) I do not see the updated HPV items anymore. For example I have the motion detection but it does not work properly because of this issue. If I reboot the HPV then the HPV items work again.

For updating the items, HPV opens a new connection to openHAB for every item update. Can you send me an adb log when the app does not update the items any more?

It seems to happen after motion has been detected the first time. I’ve seen some odd behaviour. Sometimes the preview is black but shows motion blocks when motion should be detected. Sometimes it is transparent, but I see the motion blocks when motion is detected. Sometimes it doesn’t show anything at all, even the motion blocks.

The ADB log is here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pRWxn4C7OlWjKFuLEI2LfCtNcy3atffk

I still cant get the app to connect locally :frowning: what am I doing wrong. Full url works fine in a browser.

@dastrix80: how am I supposed to tell you what you are doing wrong if you don’t tell me what you did? I am not a clairvoyant. Did you follow the steps in the linked post? What happened?

@Rob_Pope: what happened in the log you posted? I can see motion is detected, the tablet is turned on and motion detection is still running.

@vbier I followed the post, and the help file.

The odd thing is the functions work. But it says not connected. How can i get logs or information to help diagnose the issue? I’m new to OH2

Perform the steps in the linked post and tell me what happens. Did you copy paste the URL from the preferences to a browser on the device? What happened?
Did you enter the REST URL in chrome on your tablet? What happened?


A copy and paste of the URL from HabPanelViewer into Firefox loads the dashboard correctly.

I see no mention fo a REST url anywhere?

Click on the post I linked for you. You have to test all this with chrome on the device itself, not with firefox on your pc.

I tried Firefox and Chrome , both on the device itself. They load the Panels fine

I tried the REST url, it goes to load as mentioned. I dont know what you mean about ‘setting a value’

Change the value of the item that you used in the URL using openHAB. E.g. use a switch item in the URL and then use the switch in openHAB.

@Rob_Pope: i just made a change that might fix the black preview and updated the apk. Can you test if that fixes your problems?

@dastrix80 Set openHAB URL to be http://[server]:8080 and Start Page to be the full URL to you HabPanel UI, including the server name. I.E: http://[server]:8080/habpanel/index.html#/

@vbier That’s made an improvement, I only see a flash of no preview before the camera works again. I just did the following test:

  1. Launched HPV
  2. Confirmed screen preview was working
  3. Left for a minute or so until motion contact = OPEN
  4. Moved in front of tablet
  5. Screen came on and camera preview was still working
  6. Left for a minute until motion contact = OPEN
  7. Moved in front of tablet
  8. Screen came on, lock screen briefly appeared, HPV opened but this time the camera preview was blank. No motion detected blocks appear.
  9. Motion contact remains in CLOSED state.

I’ll do the same later when I get a chance and take logs

EDIT: With the camera preview not working the CAPTURE_CAMERA command no longer returns an image. In fact HPV has gone non-responsive

What do you mean with “lock screen briefly appeared”? The OS lock screen? Do you unlock the device by entering the PIN or do you show HPV on the lock screen?

Yes, OS lock screen. I swipe to unlock usually. Show on lock screen is selected in the settings

Is it possible that the problem only occurs when the lock screen hides the app? I tried to reproduce it (app. 20 times), but I never saw the lock screen and preview always worked.

It seems it was the lock screen. I didn’t realise no lock screen was an option. It was on slide, but now it’s on none it is working fine. Thanks for the pointer @vbier

It’s available on F-Droid.

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Very nice app indeed and a big thank you, Volker.

Anyway, unfortunately it is not working very well on my tablet Acer Iconia A210 with Android 4.4.4 - it is rather old but still being used as a fixed wall panel for my house.

Until today I used Fully Kiosk Browser but after the last openHab update a few days ago it stopped working with HABpanel, freezing after a while and overheating the tablet.

Problem 1:
No commands are received by HPV - none whatsoever, the command log page is always empty. Screen lock is disabled on the tablet, WiFi is always on, screen off time has been set to 30 minutes. There are no further apps running in the background. I defined a String item DG_Flur_Panel in the item file and then used it in a rule with a motion sensor, sending SCREEN_ON to the device. if the motion sensor triggers nothing happens, the tablets screen stays off - no command received. I checked for firewalls and other app settings on the tablet - none there.

I also send a timestamp to another item every 60 seconds - that works fine. I ran out of ideas what might cause the problem.

Problem 2:
The whole panel is not updating. I have to manually re-load the panel each (!) time. Like: I tap on a button to enable the light in a room. Light goes on but the button in the panel does not change state. If I tap again nothing happens. If I refresh the page manually, the button turns yellow giving the real state of the light. Tap. Light goes off, button stays yellow. I refresh manually - button goes to normal.

I re-tried Fully Kiosk Browser again - no problem whatsoever, all is updated in realtime.

I would like to help you in fixing this - what can I do and how? Please explain to me in laymans terms, I am no programmer.

Thank you in advance, keep up the good work.


Just found out - sometimes, maybe 5 out of ten times the panel state is updated realtime if I tap buttons. Then, again, it does not. Very odd.

I tested the it on my Lenovo YogaBook with Android 7.1.1 - it also gets no commands, that page is always empty and SCREEN_ON does not work because the command never gets to the tablet. So, it is not the tablet hardware per se, it is either your app or the openHAB installation/configuration.