
The latest version fixes a connection error in chrome.

Also it should improve the ui performance in modern browsers, as it avoid passing audio data through the main thread taking advantage of worklets and message channels.

@ornostar, I have linked the android apk in main post, in case you can give it a try and let me know how it goes :grin:, I was able just to tried it on my old nexus 5X, it seems to work.


I think the bugs are fixed and I’m going to remove the beta tag, probably when OpenHAB 4.1.0 is released.

It would be great if someone has a moment to try it.

I have reviewed both the website on different platforms and the different installers available and everything seems to work correctly.

Best regards.

Edit: In fact I’m going to create another beta because I realize the option for adding a new habspeaker thing was missing in the MainUI, I was always going through the url.

I’ll try to share a video about basic usage.

Actually I made things worst on the beta 29, I have to change the add-on type again to a binding and change the uri to solve the problems. Also I realized that the android apk was incorrectly generated in the CI and I have fixed it.

It does not works on Firefox Android, already commented on the thread, I’m looking at it.