HAI OmniLink Bindings HELP

Another question… how would one pass items (omnilink alarm sensors) to MIOS devices, iif they don’t exist in MIOS? (I would imagine I would create a virtual device in MIOS, and map the status of the item, to the MIOS device - ie contact closed/open)… am I on the right track?

Is there an easy way to do this or is it a one for one rule for each contact in the item list??
Thanks in advance for any assistance!

I am just now setting up openHAB 2.1 on a new MacOS machine, and I’m running into the same problem being reported above… no Units are being discovered from my OmniPro II. Other types of items are found, but not units. I’ve copied over my default.items file from an old openHAB 1 installation that contains all of my units (i.e. lights), and OH2 “sees” these Items. But as 2eJack reported, if I manually create a Thing in OH2, and if I assign it a generic “unit” type, there is no way in PaperUI to link it to the Item that tells OH2 which physical device it is in the OmniPro panel. After reading 2eJack’s above post, I tried creating a Thing that’s a UPB Unit, and now OH2 gives me a Bridge Selection setting that lets me select the matching Item from the default.items file that I copied from OH1 to OH2.

So it appears that there’s some type of glitch in the binding that prevents OH2 from knowing that a plain old “unit” requires a Bridge Selection setting.

BTW, my lights are all Leviton Vizia RF+ devices, not UPB. I am able to control the one Thing (light) that I added with the above UPB Unit method, but it doesn’t seem to be working 100%. Sometimes the dimmer slider moves back to a different value than I set it to in the PaperUI Control page. I suspect it may have to do with the fact that my dimmer is not actually a UPB device.

Another question… how would one pass items (omnilink alarm sensors) to MIOS devices, iif they don’t exist in MIOS? (I would imagine I would create a virtual device in MIOS, and map the status of the item, to the MIOS device - ie contact closed/open)… am I on the right track?

Is there an easy way to do this or is it a one for one rule for each contact in the item list??
Thanks in advance for any assistance!

There is no easy or automated transformation between bindings that i am aware of.

So it appears that there’s some type of glitch in the binding that prevents OH2 from knowing that a plain old “unit” requires a Bridge Selection setting.

Looking at the code, it appears at a quick glance that the binding doesn’t presently support plain units - there should be a log message that says ‘unsupported unit type’.

Can you open an issue over here in GitHub Issues · QuailAutomation/openhab2-addons · GitHub
That is the location where we can discuss and work on changes to the binding.


Hi all,

Does anyone have a solution for this error?

2018-01-03 15:53:33.432 [ERROR] [ome.core.thing.link.ThingLinkManager] - Exception occurred while informing handler: 2018-1-3T15:53:0 is not in a valid format.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 2018-1-3T15:53:0 is not in a valid format.
	at org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DateTimeType.<init>(DateTimeType.java:96) ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.omnilink.handler.OmnilinkBridgeHandler.getSystemStatus(OmnilinkBridgeHandler.java:422) ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.omnilink.handler.OmnilinkBridgeHandler.channelLinked(OmnilinkBridgeHandler.java:469) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.link.ThingLinkManager.lambda$0(ThingLinkManager.java:290) ~[?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511) [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:180) [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:293) [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) [?:?]
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:?]
Caused by: java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '2018-1-3T15:53:0' could not be parsed at index 5
	at java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parseResolved0(DateTimeFormatter.java:1949) ~[?:?]
	at java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parse(DateTimeFormatter.java:1851) ~[?:?]
	at java.time.LocalDateTime.parse(LocalDateTime.java:492) ~[?:?]
	at org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DateTimeType.<init>(DateTimeType.java:89) ~[?:?]
	... 10 more

I’ve tried different things, items and even different snapshots but it still throws this error.

I think after a few instances of this it actually restarts my whole rPi system.


Switch item=Areas_Main_Mode label="" mappings=["Off"=Off,"Day"=Day,"Night"=Night, "Away"=Away,"Vacation"=Vaca]

This works great, but how does the alarm actually activate? switch changes color, and mode selects, but wall unit doesn’t turn red?



I didn’t see a clear way to set the alarm in the binding so I created a rule. I named my Switch item AlarmStatusSelect. This is a number type item

My sitemap for the switch looks like this:

Selection item=AlarmStatusSelect label="Select Mode" icon="shield" mappings=[0="Off",1="Day",2="Night", 3="Away",4="Vacation"]

The number is what sets the alarm setting.

rule "Set Alarm"
    Item AlarmStatusSelect received command
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==0)
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==1)
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==2)
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==3)
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==4)

The “####” is a generic pin I set up in the Omni that I have set as a “system” code. I don’t like having to use a pin in the rule but it was the only way I could figure to set the alarm.

Not wworking for me at all…

But if I go into PaperUI and put code value where it says null, I can change the alarm system status…

How about displaying what status the alarm is in?? (armed, disarmed)??

You don’t need to use rules (unless you want to). I do it in a sitemap like this:

 Text item=Alarm_Mode label="Mode [MAP(areaModes.map):%s]" icon="alarm" {
 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Disarm label="" mappings=['####'='Off'] icon="switch-off"
 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Night label="" mappings=['####'='Night'] icon="moon"
 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Night_Delayed label="" mappings=['####'='Night Delay'] icon="moon"
 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Away label="" mappings=['####'='Away'] icon="frontdoor-open"
 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Vacation label="" mappings=['####'='Vacation'] icon="vacation"
 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Day label="" mappings=['####'='Day'] icon="sun"
 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Day_Instant label="" mappings=['####'='Day Instant'] icon="sun"

“####” is whatever code you want to arm/disarm with.

The map file looks like this:

5=Day Instant
6=Night Delayed
9=Arming Day
10=Arming Night
11=Arming Away
12=Arming Vacation
13=Arming Day Instant
14=Arming Night Delayed

Doesn’t work. What I have noticed is that creating rules for contacts requires me to set the contact not by name but by full device:

ule "Motion Contact Open"
    Item omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_current_condition changed from 0 to 1

I wonder if that’s what the problem is here.

Here is the log when I use Paper UI and send the codes manually:

2018-03-04 11:11:49.689 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing 'network:device:172_16_0_150' has been updated.
2018-03-04 11:12:05.596 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_current_condition changed from 0 to 1
2018-03-04 11:12:05.602 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_contact changed from CLOSED to OPEN
2018-03-04 11:12:09.199 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_contact changed from OPEN to CLOSED
2018-03-04 11:12:09.201 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_current_condition changed from 1 to 0
2018-03-04 11:12:12.319 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_night_delayed' received command XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:12.328 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_night_delayed changed from NULL to XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:12.444 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_night_delayed changed from XXXX to UNDEF
2018-03-04 11:12:12.556 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_mode changed from 0 to 14
2018-03-04 11:12:12.560 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_contact changed from CLOSED to OPEN
2018-03-04 11:12:12.561 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_current_condition changed from 0 to 1
2018-03-04 11:12:14.676 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_contact changed from OPEN to CLOSED
2018-03-04 11:12:14.677 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_current_condition changed from 1 to 0
2018-03-04 11:12:22.350 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm' received command XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:22.359 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm changed from UNDEF to XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:22.438 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm changed from XXXX to UNDEF
2018-03-04 11:12:22.488 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_mode changed from 14 to 0
2018-03-04 11:12:24.673 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_day_instant' received command XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:24.679 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_day_instant changed from NULL to XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:24.752 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_day_instant changed from XXXX to UNDEF
2018-03-04 11:12:24.798 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_mode changed from 0 to 13
2018-03-04 11:12:35.786 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm' received command XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:35.793 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm changed from UNDEF to XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:35.872 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm changed from XXXX to UNDEF
2018-03-04 11:12:35.916 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_mode changed from 13 to 0
2018-03-04 11:12:39.823 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_vacation' received command XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:39.827 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_vacation changed from NULL to XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:39.905 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_vacation changed from XXXX to UNDEF
2018-03-04 11:12:39.948 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_mode changed from 0 to 12
2018-03-04 11:12:47.168 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm' received command XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:47.171 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm changed from UNDEF to XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:47.240 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm changed from XXXX to UNDEF
2018-03-04 11:12:47.285 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_mode changed from 12 to 0
2018-03-04 11:12:53.953 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_away' received command XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:53.957 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_away changed from UNDEF to XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:54.034 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_away changed from XXXX to UNDEF
2018-03-04 11:12:54.078 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_mode changed from 0 to 11
2018-03-04 11:12:58.101 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm' received command XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:58.110 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm changed from UNDEF to XXXX
2018-03-04 11:12:58.180 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm changed from XXXX to UNDEF
2018-03-04 11:12:58.223 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_mode changed from 11 to 0
2018-03-04 11:13:03.053 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_night' received command XXXX
2018-03-04 11:13:03.055 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_night changed from NULL to XXXX
2018-03-04 11:13:03.134 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_night changed from XXXX to UNDEF
2018-03-04 11:13:03.176 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_mode changed from 0 to 10
2018-03-04 11:13:07.096 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm' received command XXXX
2018-03-04 11:13:07.099 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm changed from UNDEF to XXXX
2018-03-04 11:13:07.174 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm changed from XXXX to UNDEF
2018-03-04 11:13:07.216 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_mode changed from 10 to 0
2018-03-04 11:13:15.462 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_day' received command XXXX
2018-03-04 11:13:15.467 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_day changed from UNDEF to XXXX
2018-03-04 11:13:15.542 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_day changed from XXXX to UNDEF
2018-03-04 11:13:15.579 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_mode changed from 0 to 9
2018-03-04 11:13:24.934 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm' received command XXXX
2018-03-04 11:13:24.938 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm changed from UNDEF to XXXX
2018-03-04 11:13:25.014 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_disarm changed from XXXX to UNDEF
2018-03-04 11:13:25.058 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_area_4515ad84_1_mode changed from 9 to 0
2018-03-04 11:13:44.325 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing 'network:device:172_16_1_100' has been updated.
2018-03-04 11:14:37.233 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_contact changed from CLOSED to OPEN
2018-03-04 11:14:37.251 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_current_condition changed from 0 to 1
2018-03-04 11:14:41.089 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_contact changed from OPEN to CLOSED
2018-03-04 11:14:41.098 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_current_condition changed from 1 to 0
2018-03-04 11:14:43.786 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_contact changed from CLOSED to OPEN
2018-03-04 11:14:43.794 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_current_condition changed from 0 to 1
2018-03-04 11:14:44.381 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing 'network:device:172_16_1_100' has been updated.
2018-03-04 11:14:47.391 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_contact changed from OPEN to CLOSED
2018-03-04 11:14:47.392 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - omnilink_zone_4515ad84_1_current_condition changed from 1 to 0

I was told to try this as well:

rule "Set Alarm"
    Item AlarmStatusSelect received command
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==0)
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==1)
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==2)
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==3)
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==4)

With the following sitemap:

      Selection item=AlarmStatusSelect label="Select Mode" icon="shield" mappings=[0="Off",1="Day",2="Night", 3="Away",4="Vacation"]

Neither method works, but putting the codes in the PaperUI Channel and sending them manually triggers and deactivates the alarm....

I don't understand why the contact actually addresses "XXXX:XXXX:XXX:XXX" have to be used instead of their defined assignments.  Does this have something to do with this?

Any help appreciated!!

"XXXX" is a usable pin in your system. I used “XXXX” so I didn’t share a usable pin to arm/disarm my system.

I made a “System” user in my Omni and use that pin. It isn’t optimal to have to use a pin in open view in the code but it is how the binding is configured to work.

Did that answer your quesiton?

No, I used my own master pin I created for openhab.

the XXXX i blocked out so in case someone figures out where I live, I don’t have to redo the code!!


neither of the two methods are working for me in openhab 2,2

If I manually enter the code in the box next to each arm method (or disarm) in the PaperUI Control screen manually, I can manually send the code thru the binding and arm and disarm it… but none of the logic works above.

if you put your code where it says undef and hit the green icon, it sends the command and you can see the command in the log above…

I only use the Paper UI for testing. Do you have a sitemap set up?

Yes… I posted the relevant code in my example… trying your method. doesn’t work. once again i masked code with XXXX to post here

sitemap home label="My home automation" {
    Frame label="Date" {

         Text item=Alarm_Mode label="Mode [MAP(areaModes.map):%s]" icon="alarm" {

 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Disarm label="" mappings=['####'='Off'] icon="switch-off"
 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Night label="" mappings=['####'='Night'] icon="moon"
 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Night_Delayed label="" mappings=['####'='Night Delay'] icon="moon"
 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Away label="" mappings=['####'='Away'] icon="frontdoor-open"
 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Vacation label="" mappings=['####'='Vacation'] icon="vacation"
 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Day label="" mappings=['####'='Day'] icon="sun"
 Switch item=Alarm_Mode_Day_Instant label="" mappings=['####'='Day Instant'] icon="sun"
    Frame label="Demo" {
        Switch item=Lights icon="light"
        Text item=LR_Temperature label="Livingroom [%.1f °C]"
        Group item=Heating
        Text item=LR_Multimedia_Summary label="Multimedia [%s]" icon="video" {
            Selection item=LR_TV_Channel mappings=[0="off", 1="DasErste", 2="BBC One", 3="Cartoon Network"]
            Slider item=LR_TV_Volume

Does your item file look similar to this:

Number    AlarmStatusSelect
Number    AlarmMode          "Alarm [MAP(area-modes.map):%s]"    (Areas_House)            {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:mode"}

Where mine says “home” you would put the omnilink controller in your system.

Here is the working functionality and screenshots in my OH setup. My controller name is “home”.


Number    AlarmMode                 "Alarm [MAP(area-modes.map):%s]"    (Areas_House)            {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:mode"}

Rule (or use the direct method @broconne showed in the sitemap):

rule "Set Alarm"
    Item AlarmStatusSelect received command
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==0)
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==1)
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==2)
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==3)
    if (AlarmStatusSelect.state==4)

Map file to translate the omnilink binding numbers to readable words:



	Frame label="Security"{
		Selection item=AlarmStatusSelect label="Select Mode" icon="shield" mappings=[0="Off",1="Day",2="Night", 3="Away",4="Vacation"]
        Text item=AlarmMode  label="Current Alarm Status"  icon="house"
		Switch item=Buttons_Garage2Btn        label="Right Garage Door" icon="garagedoor" mappings=[ON="Push"]
		Text item=Zones_GarageDrRight_Current label="Right Garage Door" icon="garagedoor"
		Switch item=Buttons_Garage1Btn        label="Left Garage Door"  icon="garagedoor" mappings=[ON="Push"]
		Text item=Zones_GarageDrLeft_Current  label="Left Garage Door"  icon="garagedoor"
		Switch item=Buttons_ClsGateBtn        label="Gate"              icon="gate"       mappings=[ON="Push"]
		Text item=Zones_Gate_Current          label="Gate"              icon="gate"
		Group item=Zones   label="Unsecure Zones"  icon="house"
		Group item=Areas   label="General Areas"   icon="house"
		Switch item=FtDrLckStsFl_Flag mappings=[ON="Locked", OFF="Unlocked"]
		Switch item=BcDrLckStsFl_Flag mappings=[ON="Locked", OFF="Unlocked"]
		Switch item=GrDrLckStsFl_Flag mappings=[ON="Locked", OFF="Unlocked"]

I use the “Select Mode” to chose the alarm status. Current Alarm Status shows the current status

These are my options after pushing “Select Mode”

String  Areas_Main_Alarm  "Alarm: [%s]" (Areas_Main)  {omnilink="area_status_alarm:1"}
Number  Areas_Main_ExitDelay  "Exit Delay: [%d]"  (Areas_Main)  {omnilink="area_status_exit_delay:1"}
Number  Areas_Main_EntryDelay "Exit Delay: [%d]"  (Areas_Main)  {omnilink="area_status_entry_delay:1"}
Number  Areas_Main_ExitTimer  "Exit Delay: [%d]"  (Areas_Main)  {omnilink="area_status_exit_timer:1"}
Number  Areas_Main_EntryTimer "Exit Delay: [%d]"  (Areas_Main)  {omnilink="area_status_entry_timer:1"}
String  Areas_Main_Mode "Mode: [%s]"  (Areas_Main)  {omnilink="area_status_mode:1"}
String  Areas_Main_Alarm  "Alarm: [%s]" (Areas_Main)  {omnilink="area_status_alarm:1"}

Number    AlarmStatusSelect
Number    AlarmMode                 "Alarm [MAP(area-modes.map):%s]"    (Areas_House)            {channel="omnilink:area:4515ad84:1:mode"}

/* 'omnilink:area:4515ad84:1'   MainArea  */

Contact Zones_Front_Motion_Current "Front Motion Sensor: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:1:contact"} 
Contact Zones_EntryExit_Door_Current "Entry/Exit Door: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:2:contact"}
Contact Zones_Den_Door_Current "Office Door: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:3:contact"}
Contact Zones_Den_Window_Current "Office Window: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:4:contact"}
Contact Zones_Kitchen_Heat_Current "Kitchen Heat Sensor: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:5:contact"}  
Contact Zones_MasterBath_Doors_Current "Master Bath Doors: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:6:contact"} 
Contact Zones_MasterBedroom_Windows_Current "Master Bedroom Windows: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:7:contact"}  
Contact Zones_MasterBedroom_Door_Current "Master Bedroom Door: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:8:contact"} 
Contact Zones_GreatRoom_Slider_Current "GreatRoom Slider: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:9:contact"} 
Contact Zones_Hall_Door_Current "Hall Door: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:10:contact"} 
Contact Zones_Media_Room_Slider_Current "Media Room Slider: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:11:contact"}
Contact Zones_Media_Room_Window_Current "Media Room Window: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:12:contact"}
Contact Zones_ChildrensWing_Windows_Current "Children/Bathroom Windows: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:13:contact"} 
Contact Zones_LaundryRoom_Window_Current "LaundryRoom Window: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:14:contact"} 
Contact Zones_MainGarageAccess_Door_Current "Main Garage Access Door: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:15:contact"} 
Contact Zones_BATGarageAccess_Door_Current "2nd Garage Access Door: [%s]" (Zones) {channel="omnilink:zone:home:16:contact"} 

This is my items file for the alarm. I think the issue is up here: I don’t have this set correctly, I think.

/* ‘omnilink:area:4515ad84:1’ MainArea */

Can someone check their items file and make sure I didn’t forget something? This actually allows me to see the alarm status while it arms as well as chose the alarm arming I want, but nothing happens, despites the logs seeing the numeric selection work on the sitemap file. The problem appears to be below…

I think the problem is sending the commands.

the IF-THEN statements of targetname.sendCommand("####") don’t do anything

in the logs, I can see alarm status select change, but nothing happens…

any ideas???

Am I missing something like this in the items file?

String AlarmModeDisarm “Command: [%s]” (Areas_House) {channel=“omnilink:area:4515ad84:1:disarm”}
String AlarmModeDay “Command: [%s]” (Areas_House) {channel=“omnilink:area:4515ad84:1:day”}

(tried it, didn’t work either)


do the Alarm_Mode_Day, Away, Instant, etc., defined as stiches in the sitemap, need to be defined in the items file as channels???

if so, do you have a sample of that code?

those are not defined… in my items file…


Here are the rest of my items, if that helps.

String    LastLog       "Log: [%s]"         (Areas_House)     {channel="omnilink:controller:home:last_log"}
String    LastUser      "By [MAP(usercode.map):%s]"
String    LogEvent      "Event [MAP(omnieventcode.map):%s]"
String    Param2        "Value: %s"
Switch    AlarmBurglary             "Burglary Alarm [%s]"               (Areas_House)            {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:alarm_burglary"}
Switch    AlarmFire                 "Fire Alarm [%s]"                   (Areas_House)            {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:alarm_fire"}
//Switch    alarm_gas                 "Gas Alarm [%s]"                    (Areas_House)             {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:alarm_gas"}
Switch    AlarmAuxiliary            "Auxiliary Alarm [%s]"              (Areas_House)            {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:alarm_auxiliary"}
Switch    AlarmFreeze               "Freeze Alarm [%s]"                 (Areas_House)            {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:alarm_freeze"}
Switch    AlarmWater                "Water Alarm [%s]"                  (Areas_House)            {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:alarm_water"}
Switch    AlarmDuress               "Duress Alarm [%s]"                 (Areas_House)            {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:alarm_duress"}
Switch    AlarmTemperature          "Temperature Alarm [%s]"            (Areas_House)            {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:alarm_temperature"}

String    AlarmModeDisarm           "Disarm [%s]"                (Areas_House, AlarmStatusGroup)     {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:disarm"}
String    AlarmModeDay              "Day [%s]"                   (Areas_House, AlarmStatusGroup)     {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:day"}
String    AlarmModeNight            "Night [%s]"                 (Areas_House, AlarmStatusGroup)     {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:night"}
String    AlarmModeAway             "Away [%s]"                  (Areas_House, AlarmStatusGroup)     {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:away"}
String    AlarmModeVacation         "Vacation [%s]"              (Areas_House, AlarmStatusGroup)     {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:vacation"}
String    AlarmModeDayInstant       "Day Instant [%s]"           (Areas_House, AlarmStatusGroup)     {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:day_instant"}
String    AlarmModeNightDelayed     "Night Delayed [%s]"         (Areas_House, AlarmStatusGroup)     {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:night_delayed"}

Group:Contact:OR(OPEN, CLOSED) Zones "All Zones [%s]"
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) Alarms      "All Alarms [%s]"

Number    AlarmStatusSelect
Number    AlarmMode                 "Alarm [MAP(area-modes.map):%s]"    (Areas_House)            {channel="omnilink:area:home:1:mode"}
Number    ConsoleBeep                                                   (Areas_House)            {channel="omnilink:controller:home:beep"}
//Contact   ZoneFrontDoor             "Front Door [%s]"                  (Zones)                   {channel="omnilink:zone:home:1:contact"}
String    ZoneFrontDoorBypass                                                                    {channel="omnilink:zone:home:1:bypass"}
String    ZoneFrontDoorRestore                                                                   {channel="omnilink:zone:home:1:restore"}

Contact	Zones_FrontDoor_Current	     "Front Door: [%s]"	              (Zones)	         {channel="omnilink:zone:home:1:contact"}

Well, the switches are working, ie the selections are now getting passed, but the command via the appropriate channel is not being set…

2018-03-04 21:35:27.712 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - AlarmMode changed from NULL to 0
2018-03-04 21:35:40.441 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘AlarmStatusSelect’ received command 1
2018-03-04 21:35:40.459 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - AlarmStatusSelect changed from NULL to 1
2018-03-04 21:36:24.090 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘AlarmStatusSelect’ received command 3
2018-03-04 21:36:24.107 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - AlarmStatusSelect changed from 1 to 3
2018-03-04 21:36:37.029 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘AlarmStatusSelect’ received command 4
2018-03-04 21:36:37.035 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - AlarmStatusSelect changed from 3 to 4
2018-03-04 21:36:37.042 [ome.event.ItemC