Hanging state of thing 2 changes state of thing 1 too - any ideas what to change?

Strange behavior: changing for example warm white of

Thing wifiled:wifiled:600194954509 [ ip=“”, port=5577, pollingPeriod=30, protocol=“LD382A”, driver=“CLASSIC”, fadeDurationInMs=1000, fadeSteps=100 ]

changes also warmwhite of

Thing wifiled:wifiled:600194969FE9 [ ip=“”, port=5577, pollingPeriod=30, protocol=“LD382A”, driver=“CLASSIC”, fadeDurationInMs=1000, fadeSteps=100 ]

but not vice versa…

Switch WifiLed_Couch_power “Licht Couch Power” (Licht_WZ) {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:600194969FE9:power”}
Dimmer WifiLed_Couch_white “Licht Couch” (Licht_WZ, Alexa_Lichter) [ “Lighting” ] {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:600194969FE9:white”}
Color WifiLed_Couch_color “Licht Couch Color” (Licht_WZ) {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:600194969FE9:color”}

Switch WifiLed_TV_power “Licht TV Power” (Licht_WZ) {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:600194954509:power”}
Dimmer WifiLed_TV_white “Licht TV” (Licht_WZ, Alexa_Lichter) [ “Lighting” ] {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:600194954509:white”}
Color WifiLed_TV_color “Licht TV Color” (Licht_WZ) {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:600194954509:color”}

Expected Behavior

One thing does not interfere with another thing

Current Behavior

they interfere like described

Possible Solution

i don’t know any

Steps to Reproduce (for Bugs)

// Wohnzimmer Couch
Thing wifiled:wifiled:600194969FE9 [ ip=“”, port=5577, pollingPeriod=30, protocol=“LD382A”, driver=“CLASSIC”, fadeDurationInMs=1000, fadeSteps=100 ]

// Wohnzimmer TV
Thing wifiled:wifiled:600194954509 [ ip=“”, port=5577, pollingPeriod=30, protocol=“LD382A”, driver=“CLASSIC”, fadeDurationInMs=1000, fadeSteps=100 ]

Switch WifiLed_Couch_power “Licht Couch Power” (Licht_WZ) {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:600194969FE9:power”}
Dimmer WifiLed_Couch_white “Licht Couch” (Licht_WZ, Alexa_Lichter) [ “Lighting” ] {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:600194969FE9:white”}
Color WifiLed_Couch_color “Licht Couch Color” (Licht_WZ) {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:600194969FE9:color”}

Switch WifiLed_TV_power “Licht TV Power” (Licht_WZ) {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:600194954509:power”}
Dimmer WifiLed_TV_white “Licht TV” (Licht_WZ, Alexa_Lichter) [ “Lighting” ] {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:600194954509:white”}
Color WifiLed_TV_color “Licht TV Color” (Licht_WZ) {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:600194954509:color”}


i want to control both things different… no idea what to write - i think the use case is clear

Your Environment

  • Version used: 2.3
  • Environment name and version java 8 (openjdk), chrome, opera, android app

You do not mention which binding.

You will probably have to file an issue on the binding you are using.

sorry – binding is wifiled