Hardware recommendations for RV setup

Hi all,

thinking about equipping our RV with an OpenHab system to automate and monitor some stuff. For our stationary home, I’ve been using a lot of AVM hardware + Shelly for switches, temp & humidity sensor connectivity, etc. This may not be an ideal option since on board electricity is 12 V and 24 V DC, with 230 V AC only available via converter and not preferred for extensions.

Any hardware suggestions? I’d need to hook up a bunch of temp sensors and switch a few 12 V consumers, e.g., for tank heating, and would ideally like to integrate the various level sensors etc.

With regard to the central “control unit”, I’d stick with a Raspi 4, which works well in our stationary setup, as well.

Any suggestions/experience reports would be much appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance!



There’s Shellies you can operate on 24VDC, too.
Should wiring be an issue, consider ZigBee or ZWave, sensors operate on battery.

Tx. for the suggestions! Just checked - you are correct, it seems like the entire Shelly plus series support 12 and 24 V DC supply. Had just checked the Gen 3, which don’t, apparently. Shelly “Uni” also looks interesting. Does anyone have experience with such setups in RV, camper vans, mobile homes, exmos etc.?