Harmony Hub Binding doesn't find new devices

I’m using openHAB 3.1.0 on a Raspberry Pi 4B since a few month now. Also I’m using the Harmony Hub Binding. In the past I removed some devices and added some new devices to Harmony Hub. The Harmony Hub Binding still find those old non existing devices while scanning for new devices and does not show up new devices.

So I tried to manually add my new harmony device. Of course I don’t know the device id and I don’t know how to find the device id, but it says that the device name should also be ok. So I added the device by device name. Whatever device name (which are not existing) I enter, the device always shows as ONLINE.

I then tried to send “Power On” or “Power Off” to the SendButtonPress channel of the device, but it doesn’t work. Log says:

An error occurred while calling method ‘ThingHandler.handleCommand()’ on ‘org.openhab.binding.harmonyhub.internal.handler.HarmonyDeviceHandler@146a569’: Unknown device ‘Dimplex Verdi’

The name of the device on Harmony Hub is “Dimplex Verdi”, but I also tried “DimplexVerdi”, “Dimplex_Verdi” and “Dimplex-Verdi” without any success.

I don’t use OH 3 (still on 2.5.12) but when I encounter this issue I restart the binding. This ensures a new connection to the harmony hub is made. Did you try the binding or restarting OH?

ssh openhab@localhost -p8101 bundle:restart org.openhab.binding.harmony

At least thats how its done on OH2