Helios Binding for Modbus TCP

I did this. But without a solution. It is posible to restart the binding? The jar ist still in the addon folder.

Thanks, I actually plan to do this but didn’t find the time so far. My code doesn’t currently meet all the requirements layed out in the pull request instructions so I need to give it a little workover
 maybe I can combine this with the modifications to support the 2.5.7 release

I did run into some problems trying to downgrade myself. Actually, I didn’t manage on my docker environment. But I run a separate OH instance based on openHABian and it worked fine there.
Please check in the Karaf console which version of the modbus transport bundle is active. In my case it clearly showed 2.5.7 although I had downgraded to 2.5.6. Deleting the cache as well as deleting and rebuilding the docker image didn’t do the trick - maybe you have the same problem?

I tried this,
but how can I downgrade the modbus binding?
OH = 2.5.6-2

271 │ Active │ 80 │ 2.5.7 │ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: IO :: Modbus Transport

I had the exact same issue and spent quite some time trying different thing - unfortunately without success. Then I downgraded my second instance and it worked nicely there.

I’ve upgraded the binding now and it seems to work fine at least in my setup.

Please find the JAR file here on GitHub:

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I put it directly on my system.
It works so far.
Good job! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m happy to announce that the binding will be included with the OH 2.5.9 release.


Hi Bernhard,
I gess the itemes for the bypass dosn’t work:

Channel Channel Group Description Item Type RW
bypassStatus general Status of the bypass (OFF = closed, ON = open) Switch R
bypassFrom unitConfig Bypass active from DateTime RW
bypassTo unitConfig Bypass active to DateTime RW

The temperature for the bypass is working.

Can you check this? Or can you give me an example of the items and the sitemap?

THX Tobi

Hi Tobi,

I’m using the following items and it works fine at least in my case:

Switch KWL_Bypass "KWL - Bypass offen" <switch> (gKWL, gKWL_Status, gMQTT) {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:general#bypassStatus"}
DateTime KWL_Bypass_von "Bypass von [%1$td/%1$tm]" <calendar> (gKWL, gMQTT) {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:unitConfig#bypassFrom"}
DateTime KWL_Bypass_bis "Bypass bis [%1$td/%1$tm]" <calendar> (gKWL, gMQTT) {channel="modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl:unitConfig#bypassTo"}

In the sitemap I use the following:

Frame label="Bypass" {
    Switch item=KWL_Bypass              
    Text item=KWL_Bypass_von
    Text item=KWL_Bypass_bis
    Text item=KWL_Bypass_Raum_Temp
    Text item=KWL_Bypass_Min_Aussentemp

What exactly doesn’t work in your case?


Another thought: apparently there is an issue in 2.5.9, because some extensions of the Modbus binding can’t be selected (cf. https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/issues/8538).

If you’re using the old JAR file I had posted some time ago, this might not work as desired.
Please let me know if you need a current JAR file.

Thank you,
I tried this out.

I had to remove the 
-2.5.8-SNAPSHOT.jar file out, from addon folder.

I found differences in the documentation:

Under Topic


Bridge modbus:tcp:modbus-gateway "Modbus TCP/IP Gateway" [ host="x.x.x.x", port=502, id=180, enableDiscovery=true ] {
    Thing helios-easycontrols kwl "KWL"

Full Example

Thing Configuration

Bridge modbus:tcp:modbus-gateway "Modbus TCP/IP Gateway" [ host="", port=502, id=180, enableDiscovery=true ] {
    Thing helios-ventilation-easycontrols kwl "KWL"

The difference:

Thing helios-easycontrols kwl “KWL”
Thing helios-ventilation-easycontrols kwl “KWL”

I guess the “helios-easycontrols” is right. Should it be like that? Then you should adapt the item example. :wink:

Is it correct?

You’re right, there’s a mistake in the documentation. The correct Thing type is helios-easycontrols. Sorry about that.

I’ve just shared the latest JAR via PM, this should then be in line with the current documentation.

I have a Helios KWL and I’m very impressed from the possiblity that I can connect the device to my openhab system.

I’ve installed the modbus binding and configured the thing and the items as the example describes. But it doesn’t work. The sitemap shows only empty values.

The paperUi shows under configuration > things Modbus as online and kwl as unknown.

In the logfile I can see after starting openhab entries like this one:

[me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing 'modbus:helios-easycontrols:modbus-gateway:kwl' has been updated.
No errors at all, only if I set a wrong ip-adress.

What’s the best point to investigate the problem?

Did you enable discovery in your TCP Bridge thing?

Yes it is enabled.

And don’t ask me why, but over night the kwl thing goes to online. And then I found the error in my items. The example had contains helios-ventilation-easycontrols instead of helios-easycontrols in the items. After correct this, the items shows the value. magic.

After loading the binding docs today at https://www.openhab.org/addons/bindings/modbus.helioseasycontrols/ (latest version, 2.5 shows 404) I see, that at the beginning the thing is names “helios-easycontrols” and in the full example section it is named “helios-ventilation-easycontrols”.

Sorry for the mistake in the documentation. Actually for OH3 I already merged a PR with the necessary corrections.
I also don’t know why the documentation for 2.5 is unavailable.

Good to hear that the Thing itself now went online. This was the part that surprised me so I wanted to take a closer look at possible reasons.

Is this because this extension wasn’t available at 2.5.0, it’s arrived during the life of 2.5?

Possibly, to be honest I didn’t notice this when the extension was added to OH. I did check if the documentation was online, but not for which version

Hi, I have the same problem - and it’s not magically working over night.
[ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item ‘KWL_Datum’ for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.sitemap.Text
In wireshark i dont see any packet going to my KWL.
modbus-gateway says online.
Any help would be great.