Can you take a screenshot please
It works!
I, well basically the ChatGPT Openhab guru agent, did solve a problem in the script, the time needed to be converted (added .to_i):
time_series << [["tijd"].to_i), "#{entry["temp"].to_f}°C"]
I now get an entry in the Item for every hour in the forecast with the temperature included. Still need to check String/Number conversion, but it works!
Many thanks!
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What is this?
that’s a specific GenAI agent within ChatGPT, specifically trained with OpenHab info. It’s not perfect, but 7 out of 10 questions give me the right direction/code/solution.
Looks like this, probably only available in the paid version of chatGPT:
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How can I reach this openHAB Guru?
It’s available in de ChatGPT Plus version as an agent
Thanks, unfortunately I don’t have chatgpt plus.