Help with git rebase


for #14186 i had to rebase my fork and development branch to the latest version of openhab-addons to get rid of some build errors.
From what i can remember, I did this by:

git checkout main (go to the main of my fork)
git rebase origin/main
git checkout hapero (my branch)
git rebase main

that all went ok.
When i pushed to my branch, i have now hundreds of commits showing as mine (seemingly all commits since i last rebased) and also hundreds of review requests on my PR.
I had this problem once earlier when is tried to update my branch via the github gui, which as i learned does a merge instead of a rebase. But with a rebase, from what i know about git, this should not have happened. I think i really need help from here :slight_smile:
I would really appreciate if someone could help me out with:

  • Removing all those review requests to not annoy about everyone who ever committed to the project, it seems i cant do that myself
  • Showing me how to fix my branch so it only shows my commits, not everybody elses
  • Last but not least, explain me what is the correct way to rebase to avoid this in the future ?

And, yes of course i tried googling it but i came up with 5 or 6 possible solutions and i do not want to try them all out because that for sure is going to make it worse.

If origin/main is the OH branch the easiest way IMO is do just run

git pull --rebase origin main

This pulls all commits from upstream, but rebates your branch instead of merging.

Does it show you as author of all the commits if you run git log locally or just when you do the pull request in GitHub?

As a relative Noob, github has kindly provided endless hours of frustration. I have had your problem and many others (particularly that in the signoff the email address needs to be in “<>” -if it is shown as a link it will not work). There may be smarter ways, but my current strategy if I screw-up is to delete my fork and start over. To avoid a lot of rework, I save the file(s) I modified somewhere else, delete the fork (which is also hard to find how). This will close the PR (if there is a lot of conversation you could link of copy to your new one). Then I refork the repository and edit the files and resubmit the PR. Total brute force.

What I do to rebase without errors (using the gihub desktop is open the terminal and follow this Git - How to Rebase a Fork ( After the fork is rebased I switch to my PR branch, reopen the terminal and follow this How to rebase a GitHub pull request - Aurelien Navarre ( but use “main” not “master”. I think (without much real knowledge) is that the fork needs to be rebased and pushed first, then the PR. I wish you the best :slightly_smiling_face:

Disclaimer: I’m a git noob.

First, make sure origin is set to your fork, and upstream is set to

$ git remote -vv
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)


git checkout main
git pull upstream main
git checkout hapero
git rebase main

The first steps are wrong cause if you do git rebase main while being on local main branch you risk rewritting a whole bunch of commits made by others.

The purpose of rebase is to be executed with small amount of commits, primarily on local branches before merging them into main.
If you have situation where you have rewritten others commits best way is to start new branch from main and git cherry-pick your commits one by one in new branch. Next time when you want to rebase you can do git pull —rebase.
Should I make more detailed instruction to fix your branch?

There’s also an instruction in the text shown to you when you create a PR that has a link to a community thread on how to do it:

ATTENTION: Don’t use “git merge” when working with your pull request branch!
This can clutter your Git history and make your PR unusable.
Use “git rebase” instead. See this forum post for further details:
Rebase your code! Or: how to fix your git history before requesting a pull

No, “git log” shows the original authors, its only the pull request. Or actually, DCO is complainig about 140 incorrectly signed commits, which makes me believe it is seeing those as mine and complains about the wrong author.

If it is not too much hassle for you, i would appreciate that!
Otherwise, i guess I go with @apella12 's solution, backup my work, delete the branch to close the PR and start with a new branch.

First of all, you can rebase against a remote branch directly.

git fetch --all
git checkout my_local_branch
git rebase upstream/main

But if you do end up in a situation where the rebase cannot be saved, you can always do git show a_particular_commit > /tmp/foo.patch if you only have a single commit or git diff origin/main > /tmp/foo.patch followed by creating a new clean branch and then patch -p1 < /tmp/foo.patch

I think i basically followed the shorthand way posted by @splatch in that post, i only did a “git rebase” instead of a “git pull --rebase”. (I thought “git rebase” is does the same) This has also already worked once for me in the past but this time it went completely sideways.

Edit: As i type it dawned on me what the difference is. pull --rebase obviously makes a pull first, then a rebase.

I saw that people where already starting to review that PR so i closed it now to not waste anybodys time, i just start over with a new one.

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You could also use the same branch name when starting from scratch, and then force push that and reopen the pull request. Then history and comments would be preserved, which would save time for existing reviewers.

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