Help with HTTP Binding item configuration

openhab.log (1022.2 KB) events.log (42.8 KB)

Dimmer Raffstore "Text [%d %%]" { http=">[*:GET:http://hp27/$s&command=0]" }

In your item definition, between GET: and http://hp27 you have a [ which must be removed.

I notice that this additional [ was my mistake. Just make sure that you remove it.

Well spotted! That was very well hidden and I’ve carefully copied it too even while looking at binding docs …

I wrote a little application in Java to receive the command to make sure that the command was actually sent. Then I noticed the stack trace in my openhab.log log file indicating that something was wrong with the URL… The command is ok now, if I move the slider then I see the different values appearing in the java application. So now it should ‘just work’ for @usr :slight_smile:

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openhab.log (33.6 KB) it is not working on my device

The item Raffstore does not exist.

2019-06-17 08:57:45.459 [INFO ] [rest.core.internal.item.ItemResource] - Received HTTP POST request at 'items/Raffstore' for the unknown item 'Raffstore'.
2019-06-17 08:57:45.587 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Slider
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how can I get it?

Does your .items file still exist and does it contain the Raffstore item?

Dimmer Raffstore "Text [%d %%]" { http=">[*:GET:http://hp27/$s&command=0]" }
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Oh great, anyway it works now. I am so happy!

Thank you @marcel_erkel and @rossko57 for your great support!
The community here is great.

Super toll :slight_smile: